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  1. @purushottamk109 I am facing same problem righ now. I am also level 2 seller who is waiting to be a top rated seller. I have completed the top rated criteria from 6 months ago. but when i am adding profession, it failed my identity and restricted my account. I have active orders and i was going to offer send my client to new offers. now i am stuck. I have contacted to fiverr support team two time. thye give me tickets(11707005 and 11702341) , but no reponse then.
  2. My name is Qasim. I am working on fiverr for last 3 to 4 years now. i am in level 2 and i have already completed the top seller criteria. i am waiting to be a top rated seller from August 2023. I have active 3 order and i was working on it. I open fiverr website and it says that ("You’ve been selected: An all new way to offer your expertise. learn more") I clicked on learn more and page opened and it say make gig, link portfolio , verify ID, and varify identity. I have completed everything with also take picture of my national Identity card an then take a picture of my self then submit. I received email that varification process failed and my account is restricted. Can anyone help me what to i do now. I have contacted fiverr two times. they give me 2 tickets but nothing happend. its been 3 days now.
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