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Everything posted by lenasemenkova

  1. I just got the first notification about the review period extension and I hope Fiverr reconsiders adding this feature. Or at least adds it to certain categories and/or price ranges where extensive careful reviewing would make sense. It will take me a month+ to get paid for a Basic package at this rate, with this particular order. I never once refused to revise the files if the order was autocompleted. All of this is pretty discouraging.
  2. Poor guy. If true, he is just sitting there like: “I was trying to help only to get questioned about my motivations. Then I got blocked and received a warning.” He’ll never donate to a charity again. 🙂
  3. ... what? WHAT? We did it?! We finally did it? UPD: Not quite, I don’t have this feature yet. It’s probably in beta.
  4. I’ve sent them the following: “While free money sounds very tempting, fiverr has a very strict delivery policy with harsh penalties. What prompted you to approach me specifically in this way?” Then the order got cancelled, then I waited for a few hours and blocked them just in case they’d like to turn around and place another order. Fiverr hasn’t banned them and I don’t need another cancellation. So whatever that person was trying to achieve is going to remain a mystery. If their intentions were good (albeit poorly executed), I’d get free $60. If they were bad, I’d probably get an account warning.
  5. Can you leave hidden feedback if the order was cancelled? Especially after it was cancelled by CS because they found it “suspicious”? The user didn’t get banned. If you can, there is absolutely nothing you can do to protect yourself from this. I miss the times when hidden feedback was a rumour, a suspicion we all had. Before fiverr staff started confirming it was a factor and a major factor, at that, at every opportunity.
  6. There are definitely buyers who think that the order page is a chat. And I always try to gently contain their enthusiasm. It’s like when you commission a custom pair of shoes - they take your measurements, you select the material and the color, then you leave. You don’t stand above the person as they work talking away, asking questions, pointing at things. You don’t call them at night asking “how the order is going”. I genuinely think that I shouldn’t be penalized for trying to keep communication constructive and contained. It could also be some awkward attempt at being charitable because I can’t hide my country of origin. Oh, the mystery. I'll have to block them in case they just turn around and place another order. Fiverr hasn't banned them yet. It’s a blank account from France. This week, most of my orders come from France for some reason. Usually, they never do. I’ve been on the platform for a long time so I feel like I’d experience the nasty competitor tactics before. I never did. There is a first time for everything, of course.
  7. What a bummer. When you try to get an order cancelled, CS loves to sit you down and preach about customer satisfaction for days. When you want to get a clarification under what circumstances it’d be permissible to receive free money if you’re being offered said free money, they cancel that order lightning fast and mark the ticket as solved. 🙂
  8. And CS just cancelled the order because “the buyer was acting suspiciously”. The buyer’s account is still active and now has one completed order in Mixing and Mastering category, with 5* given (it didn’t have any completed orders this morning).
  9. Oh, I reported it to both CS and the success manager. Then I asked the person what prompted them to approach me specifically in such a way. But I doubt they’ll respond. It’ll break the mystique. The hidden surveys are becoming a bit of a pain in the *ss, btw. And an effective tool to be abused. Because my November sales are in the dumpster and according to the success manager, this *could be* because some buyers wished there was more hand-holding through the process. Now, with 48 hours delivery and extensive discussions before the order is placed, I don’t really have time for hand-holding. And now I’m trying to deduce which buyers those were because according to my metrics and experiences, I’m having a wonderful time. Another good faith explanation is that the project was cancelled and the person went: "whatever, just take the money". But that's a massive stretch. I got a negative review removed once because I was able to prove I delivered what was asked for. And the review itself was along the lines of: “even though it was what I asked for, I don’t have time to look into the delivery more closely to comment on it”. Something like that. But it was a legit delivery. I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to deliver a random picture under any scenario anyway, though. Unless, perhaps, it's one of those tip jar gigs some people still have.
  10. A brand new account with no purchases that at the same time knows how fiverr order delivery process works, too. *Technically*, I’ll probably be able to get the negative rating removed since they’ve just spelled out that they didn’t want anything from me. Same thing with the cancellation - on what grounds? Unless they do the chargeback that fiverr won’t compensate me for. After screwing me over via all the mythical hidden surveys. Last time I asked, you can’t just deliver whatever or nothing at all even if it’s a regular buyer who wants to leave a big tip this way. Hmmm.
  11. Does Fiverr do direct inbox promotion when you use Promoted Gigs? I turned mine on because November sales have been dead in the water. And got this delightful individual I've never talked or worked with before in my inbox this morning, right before coffee. Schooling me and prompting me to go tell the tsar that the boyars are bad. I can't see what "this message" is but depending on how it's worded, it can be a little... errrr... counterproductive? PS Wouldn't it say "Promoted" in green next to the user's name if our interaction was a result of promotion?
  12. Indefinitely. I had someone from 2016 coming back last year and placing an order “to give a bit an update to the previous design”. The previous design was $10, they’ve paid $65 for the new one and attached the old file for reference. I wasn’t sure what year it was for a moment. Threw me back in time a little bit. The entire bottom half (contact information, description, logo, etc.) had to remain the same. So keeping a source file came in handy. I only delete the files if I have no desire to work with the person again.
  13. Oh no. Half of the buyers even bother to look at the delivery 12 hours (ish) before the autocompletion. Which, I assume, is when they get a nudge from fiverr. Half of my orders take a week to complete over minuscule stuff like removing/adding a single letter. Or deleting a logo. Or adding a logo. Or, god forbid, making a logo bigger. By all means, let’s drag it out even more.
  14. I had a great job opportunity in Canada in 2015 and I wish I’ve taken it. I so wish I’ve taken it. But it seemed so far away, so cold, so unknown. It felt like such a dramatic step to take, felt like falling. But I’d land on my feet, I think, as opposed to landing on my face like I did this year. I’d speak French at this point, it’d be cool.
  15. If CS tries to go the usual route of “we can’t make buyer accept the order” with you, reiterate (repeatedly if you have to) that your delivery was completely in line with the initial requirements. AND you weren’t made aware that the requirements were incomplete. AND you weren’t made aware that you’ll have to wait for the complete requirements for 6+ months. AND the revision request is, essentially, blank. AND you’re open to updating/revising the delivery if/when the information arrives. PS I had order in revision for 3+ weeks once. I don’t think it affected anything.
  16. Last time I asked CS, they told me that *if* the order was done according to the initial requirements, you can just deliver again and tell the buyer that you’ll be happy to assist as soon as the new content arrives. You weren’t informed beforehand that the requirements were incomplete, you *especially* weren’t informed that you’ll have to wait for half a year. Have you asked CS about this particular case?
  17. Germany. The previous guy was from Scotland. Could be a budget thing. They approved the number I gave, put it in all presentations, got the funding, shook hands on it, then got a slightly different number. I keep forgetting buyer fee even exists. 🙂 Turned the offer off, won’t be blocking the buyer just yet, though. I’m curious about the whole currency rate conundrum.
  18. I just say: “I don’t think I’ll be a good fit for this project”. In true spirit of “it’s not you, it’s me” it rarely backfires. People even thank me for “my honesty” sometimes.
  19. You’re probably right about that, the buyer is currently in communication with CS to figure out why Fiverr’s USD to EUR conversion is so wrong comparing to his personal calculations. If it *is* a tactic, it’s an effective one. Everything comes to a screeching halt seconds before the offer gets accepted and the blame comes in. “Oh I’ve been fooled, I’ve been deceived...” I’m so putting up a consultation gig after this. I wasted time to get a comprehensive brief together. Right. 20% of fees is a bigger slap than 5%, I can understand it somewhat. 5% if a bit insulting. I don't know the amount, the buyer's not telling me yet and I can't ask because "privacy". I just know that the amount is "wrong".
  20. Did you do it? How common is it? I prefer smaller orders (safety reasons, easier to manage, quicker to finish). But I started to experiment with more complex projects this year (a few hundred bucks, nothing fancy). This is the second time this issue comes up. The buyer just goes: aha!, you said it was X but it *actually* is X + 5.5%, you sneaky liar. The bigger the order is the more noticeable 5.5% addition would be, I guess. The first time I just withdrew the offer and let the buyer go because we only live once and I have zero time to spend arguing about $17.5. Now it’s a bigger project and we spent a looooot of time discussing it. It’d be a bigger waste of time to just drop it.
  21. Everyone’s on vacation. 2 years of covid have done their thing, I have clients taking 3-4 weeks off to travel the world. Everyone’s so happy and excited, it just warms my heart (and affects my revenue flow a bit).
  22. I used to see it on mine, then I went to Portugal for a few weeks and it disappeared. We’ll see if it comes back. I got my phone number verified. Was never asked for the passport, had a few video calls with fiverr through the years which, I guess, would serve as a confirmation of my face being consistently my face.
  23. Stretch your back, do eye exercises, watch your coffee intake. Start early, don't wait until you develop a bunch of chronic conditions.
  24. Sky blue. Love to look at it but can never wear it for some reason.
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