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About sanikads

  • Birthday 12/08/2002

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  1. Thank you for your reply, @mandyzines ! It feels better to know that I'm not alone in this. I shall resign myself to this dull period in hopes of that there will be sunshine ahead! 😔
  2. As a new seller, I open Fiverr as soon as I wake up with excitement rushing in my body at thought of there being a customer. I don't let it disappoint me when there are no orders. But at times, I see notifications which indicate that I have messages. Excitedly I open them only to find that they're one of those telegram scams. Sure, Fiverr does its jobs of getting rid of them but I can't help but be disappointed. It's been almost a week since I joined but all I ever see is yet another one of those telegram scams! Is this common? Will I ever find a genuine customer?
  3. Thank you for your warm welcome, @tasnim_zannat ! It's good to be here!
  4. Thank you for your warm welcome, @abdheshkjha ! Hope to learn more from you guys!
  5. Thank you for your warm welcome, @mahadiflbd ! Glad to be here!
  6. Thank you for your warm welcome, @rasel3465! It's nice to be here!
  7. I am pleased introduce myself to you all. I'm @sanikads and I am new to Fiverr as well as Fiverr Forum! I am a writer and an editor. I have been reading for almost a decade now and writing for nearly six years! I'm currently writing my first book. Please do be kind to me!
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