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Posts posted by mrastle

  1. I once had a seller insist she lived in the UK even after I pointed out that the system told me her timezone, which was the same as Pakistan. The thing which made me suspicious in the first place was that she didn't know the blue area on a map is the ocean, which seems a very strange thing for anyone from the island of Great Britain not to know.

    After having hired probably about 15 illustrators for different children's books on Fiverr, I've come to screen them very carefully. Firstly, I eliminate anyone from either Nigeria or Pakistan (though I have hired a Bangladeshi twice). Then I filter by price and look for the style I'm after. As the format of my books creates its own challenges, I then spend a while chatting with them to check whether they're up for it or not. Some politely pass, which I honestly prefer to those who say they can do the job but lack the skill.

    • Like 13
    • Haha 1
  2. There was another topic about this around 3 months ago but I can't seem to find it now.

    Do you type using a Dvorak keyboard?

    If so, then Ctrl+V on a Dvorak is the same as Ctrl+. on a Qwerty. But Fiverr uses Ctrl+. to turn their screen reader on. Consequently, whenever Dvorak typists use the paste command Ctrl+V on Fiverr, the screen reader automatically turns on due to some kind of background conflict.

    I first reported this problem to Fiverr around 5 months ago. If you are also still having this problem, please report it to them also and explain what I just said above.

    I agree it is very annoying. I've recently suggested that Fiverr implement a way to permanently disable the screen reader.

    • Like 8
  3. I found the solution!

    If you use Ctrl+V to paste text, Fiverr automatically turns the screen reader on. You can turn it off again by using Ctrl+V to paste again.

    This is still very annoying and I hope they fix it soon. I have reported the problem to support. Please report the problem too if you're having this issue.

    (Note: I use a Dvorak keyboard so, on the physical keyboard the keystrokes are Ctrl+. [i.e. a period mark/full stop] for me. I don't know if it's different if you're using a Qwerty.)

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