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  1. That client might be a scam.. he may use your delivered product.. but did not want to pay.
  2. Wow.. great ..any tips for us as new sellers
  3. Congratulations.. any special tips for us as new sellers.
  4. Very good..best of luck. As your tip,you said to share gig on social media.. so which social media you used. And how many platforms you used.
  5. How did you promote, and what service you r offering. Did u get impressions and clicks .
  6. Wow... Excellent.your click through rate is awesome.. you will get orders soon. But you did not show any link or picture so it is difficult for experienced seller to give you a good reply.
  7. Yes you are right.. definitely some has to try himself to get an idea,what works. But you also learn from others experience. We can not neglect it 100%. Instead we can do research and find a good solution and then implement it.. and study the results. If there is something wrong, again needs to find out point. But it is not so easy.. it will take time. I hope things will work for me. @donnovan86if you have any good , authentic and tried yourself thing to get orders,and rank gig.. do let me know. I will be waiting. Thanks.
  8. Congratulations.. hiw did you get an order from fiver search,gig ranking or any other way. And how many impressions and clicks until getting first order.
  9. Not just for buyers,but also for sellers.. not a good upgrade from buyers request to breif system..
  10. Good.. after how many impressions and clicks you got your first order.??
  11. Some one say that share your gig on social media to rak gig.. some say don't do that, because if you share gig and u get impressions but no order,then fiver will push back you gig.. So who is right and who is wrong.
  12. If taking name like pro_services000 or any other words starting with Pro are illegal,then i think you should check first,. Switch on byuers mode, then click on search bar, then on the right side sellers, not gigs. Then write a word starting with Pro.. I hope you will see thousands of accounts starting with Pro. I hope it will make you clear about selecting a name.
  13. I think you do not know what copywrite free means.. there are thousands of pictures which can be used by anyone. Even you might b using any gig title which was first used by someone else. So what then..
  14. So much material is available on internet saying that how to rank gig. Everyone Every one says do this to rank gig, do that to rank gig. Add keywords in title,in description. But no one know it exactly i think. No one has shown live proof of ranking a gig.. https://www.fiverr.com/pro_services000/do-best-social-media-marketing-and-facebook-ads-campaign
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