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Posts posted by dgmcentric

  1. I SEO service for websites & SEO related works, I want to know youtube video SEO service is a form of SEO too!
    If I open any gig related to youtube video SEO & Ranking, will it rank on fiverr SERP or it would never rank as I don't have other gig in my profile related to video SEO!!

    The thing is I am really interested about Youtube Video related Gigs but I am confused I this would Rank!!

    Hope I will get positive feedback from this community 🙂

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  2. 2 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    I will chime in with some things, don't take them personally 🙂

    - You have no reviews, but your prices are much higher than other people that have been doing this for years.

    - You try to cover many things at once with these gigs, you are doing keyword research, article writing and SEO optimization. 

    - A turnoff for some people will be that despite being a digital marketing expert, you didn't generate any sales, so they are worried you won't be generating anything for them either. That does tend to push buyers away.

    Lastly, these niches are extremely packed, so it's very hard to stand out these days. It was hard pre-pandemic, let alone today.

    Before other regulars comment here, in general buyers stay away from digital marketing experts that can't promote themselves successfully. So yeah, if you can't generate results for yourself. 

    I recommend you also add less skills, those that you are exceptional at. You have a LOT of skills listed, I for one as a buyer would focus more on someone that just does one or a couple of things, but does them right. These are some ideas, based on what I saw on your profile. As I said, don't take any personal offense, I just tried to see things objectively as a buyer. Good luck.

    I respect your honest review on my profile & thanks for your findings. I will definitely work on those & make amendments where necessary.

    Again thank you so much 🙂🙂

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  3. 35 minutes ago, venonusa said:

    Result also depends in which category you are selling ( if there are many competitors it will be very difficult to go in )  however, if you have Fiverr promotion in your account, I suggest you activate it, so your gigs can get a little more exposure.

    I work in SEO & Influencer marketing category & I tried to narrow down the niche as much as possible with proper keywords & I got almost 2-5k services available on those keywords, I think it's pretty narrow coz I don't know If I narrow down more, I would get any impressions. Also I share & promote my gig on linkedIn, quora & reddit whenever I get the chance.

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  4. Just now, venonusa said:

    some of your gigs are receiving good impressions, but if you are not receiving any orders maybe there is something that does not convince who land on your gig, double check your description, title, image.

    As I said, I have checked things multiple times & modified where it felt inconvenient, but I got no orders; instead, I got knocks from all fake buyers for the services I don't offer on any of my gigs.
    I feel helpless now, trying to figure out how to make things work 😞

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  5. I have published my 4 gigs this month & I am struggling to generate sufficient impressions and receive a few clicks, which has caused my gig to not rank on the first page. As a result, I am not receiving any orders, and unfortunately, I am also receiving messages from fake buyers, which has become more of a headache for me. I have yet to improve my situation despite changing my gig image, title, description, pricing, and FAQ while maintaining all Fiverr guidelines.
    I can't figure out where I went wrong or need to improve!
    I expect experts opinion from this community that will help me grow in this workspace! 

    Latest Gig Status of last 30 days is given in below image!!

    Fiverr Gig Ranking Problem.jpg

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