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  1. Reply to @fonthaunt: That’s what I needed to know, thank you. 🙂
  2. @fonthaunt: New question: Can I link to my “Gig help” thread on the open “Tips” threads to redirect people who are about to ask for it, or is that spamming?
  3. Reply to @fonthaunt: Done, thank you. Another question: Can I include an external link to something not related to any sort of paid service, such as a free site to evaluate English skills and another to learn English for free?
  4. Reply to @fonthaunt: Yes, thank you. I generally post during the off hours of the forum, so I had wanted to give my thread a second chance to catch on and bumped it. The bump was removed so I came here to seek answers. 🙂
  5. Is it spam to bump a “tips” post that you created that doesn’t include any self-promotion, but has actual tips?
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