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Everything posted by abdullahalma472

  1. I shear my gig regularly and also active in fiverr account but my gig impression and click is too low. What can I do in this case. I didn't get any order still now.
  2. Everyone is getting order from fiverr. But I didn't get any order. My Bad luck 🙂

  3. 6 month gone in my fiverr journey. But still now I didn't get any order form fiverr. Many proposal come to me in social media but all are spam. Now what can I do in this case? Is there anyone who can help me?
  4. 6 month gone but I didn't get any order. I am really upset now.

  5. Why my gig's click and impression getting down day by day? Is this harmful for my fiverr account? What can I can do in this case? Anyone give me suggestion please.

    1. regulusbee


      i can help you promote it so you will get more clicks and impresion

  6. I did the fiverr skill test . But I got 5.9 out of 10 in the English test. Now what can I do?
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