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  1. Hello, According to tos, email's are not allowed to be shared unless they are required for the service. The buyer can still share the project info by attaching it in the inbox.
  2. Hello, Having a geat and unique gig image will help you stand out to buyers which can lead to more clicks.
  3. Hello, Maybe it would help if you set the times you are available in the your description.
  4. Hello, You are only allowed to request this from the client if it is needed as part of the service.
  5. Hello, The buyer request feature is getting fased out and replaced with buyer briefs. It will eventually be fully replaced with the buyer brief feature.
  6. Hello, U will only get a review when you have successfully completed an order with the buyer and the buyer decides to leave a rating and review on your gig. Clicks and impressions depend on your gig ranking, search tags, and seo.
  7. Hello, Buyer requests are getting replaced with order briefs. So right now buyer requests aren't getting to much attention. U should concentrate on making offers when u receive a buyer brief. And try to improve your gigs search tags and seo.
  8. Hello, Yes, it will most likely have an effect on the gig's ranking. It will prevent you from qualifying to the next seller level, plus demote you from the current seller level you are on (if you are on seller level one or above) as 90% order completion is required to be promoted and maintain seller level. The solution is to try to complete more orders and avoid cancelling orders so your order completion rate rises above 90%.
  9. This seems to happen on ios. But on the website, its live. Refresh the page.
  10. Hello The order completion rate review period is indeed 60 days. Are you sure you didn't get any cancellations in the past 60 days? If you're sure, contact customer support.
  11. Do your best to deliver the best service you can, and if they do not leave a review, politely remind them that there is an option to review the service, but do not bug them to leave a review.
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