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About ahmed_faroquee

  • Birthday December 7


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  1. Go ahead & CONGRATULATIONS....
  2. You should not make multiple changes at a time. Weekly you can make minor changes. But it is not the best practice. You should think thousands of times before publishing any gig.
  3. If your gig is ranked, you should not do this. But the thing is that your gig is very immature and you don't get the expected impression and clicks then you make some minor changes to the experiment. If you don't proper results by doing this then should decide to delete the modified gig and publish a new gig. Rather than doing this, we should think thousands of times before creating any gigs.
  4. How long did publish gig?
  5. @emailspedia With due respect, I am not agree with you. Testimonial & review are not the only criteria to choose a skilled freelancer. As a buyer , before hiring a freelancer for your projects you should contact first, tell him/her, your jobs requirements, then wait what he/she feedback. Through chatting if you think the seller catch your job requirements with properly, then you can carry on dealing. Their are lots of new freelancer who so skillful but they don't have reviews because of their account is new. So, You don't consider them unskilled.
  6. @vickieitoThanks for your so informative & helpful post. Would you mind giving some suggestions how to get first "Get Matched" as a new seller?
  7. So, nice post indeed@katakatica You said it perfectly. But it is also true that there is nothing in this world which is completely identical. If you do similar things, it might be a chance to match some points partially with others. Suppose, Mr. "X" is a renowned Website designer & he is an expert on WordPress CMS. Another person Mr. "Y" is also a good Website designer and expert on WordPress CMS. In this case, both person's services' keywords, tags, and descriptions might be sporadically the same. For this, we can not blame the person "Y".
  8. Your average selling price was $63.5 when you are a new seller, it's really appreciatable. Best of luck to you and your business. But things are not rosy for every new seller like you.
  9. "The only issue is when as buyer I am forced to differentiate among honest, bragging and boasting sellers." Most valuable sentence!!! I think so. Every buyer should follow this process of elimination method for avoiding unskilled sellers whether he/she TOP a RATED OR NEW SELLER.
  10. Hey, rabihumakhan Thanks for your constructive criticism, I appreciate you. Now I want to say something, please read it calmly. I think you are so a desperate person. I have already perceived you are an over intellectual personality. With due respect, I think, most of the points you are biased about something and your opinion points are so shaky. Point-00: I'm 99% sure this exact post (re-worded) was already posted in the past. I remember quite a long conversation about these points. Besides potential copying, the problem with these points is they are either not true or not specific to new sellers. => I don't copy this post anywhere, if it matched the previous post, it was totally unintentional. Point-01: Everyone on Fiverr is accessible or we risk demotion. 24/7 is a bad idea for everyone. People need sleep and work/life balance. => As an intellectual personality you should understand what is the difference between METAPHORIC TERM and LITERAL TERM . As a human being we need to sleep, eat, entertain, have family, personal issues, friends, sickness bla bla.....Who doesn't know this?? I just said 24/7 access a METAPHORIC TERM. I meant it maximum time activeness of new sellers. Point-02: Not all of the, and there are plenty of experienced sellers who also offer affordable pricing. => Perfectly said you are right. I agree with you but I just said it from the perspective of a new seller. Pont-03: So do established sellers. Who wants a bad review? No one. => Yes, Every seller wants to have good reviews and try to provide the best services for his/her clients because it's his/her business. So, new sellers don't belong to the out-of-box. They want also. Point-04: If they don't have much work, it might be a sign they do not deliver what people want. Also, successful sellers deliver on time. If they do not, they wouldn't be successful. => You are right about your own personal point of view. You should also know, new sellers don't means they don't have any skill, before coming online marketplace he/she may be developed his/her skill in a proper way. He/she may intern job in his/her local marketplace or may be working in another online marketplace just new in Fiverr. So, you can not ignore them. Point-05: Again, so too do some experienced sellers. => Right. But New sellers also do more than that. Ponit-06: Every buyer should carefully choose the best seller who is most likely to satisfy their needs. => Exactly. It totally depends on the buyer. They are smarter than you and I.
  11. What are the accurate points , would you mind explaining those??
  12. katakatica, Thanks for your valuable opinion, I got your point. Definitely, non-new freelancers can get an offer, they have already proved themselves that they are qualified. But I said only from the new seller's point of view because the usually new seller isn't trusted by buyers, they don't have reviews on their new account, so, some buyers don't hire them. So, We should give some opportunities to new sellers if they are capable of our jobs. New sellers are also skillful, I believe. If they get a chance, they give more outstanding services than non-new freelancers in some cases. Yeah, I agree with you on one point, there are some new sellers who are really not enough skillful, in this case, you have to examine them. Actually, everything depends on you, after communication if you think, this is good, he/she got my requirements, then you can pick them.
  13. 1: They are easy to access you can communicate with them almost 24/7 2: You can hire them at an affordable price 3: They give 100% afford to satisfy his/her clients because they want to grow their business with some positive reviews. 4: As they are new, they don’t have much work, so can deliver their job so quickly. 5: After work, a new seller can give multiple times of revisions. So, you should not miss the opportunity to work with a new freelancer.
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