Hi, I have read your post.
And I have understood to read your post, you are so desperate to become a successful seller on Fiverr. Reality is that there is no magic to getting order within short time from Fiverr. Be patient & try to figure what should you do after creating gig. It's totally depends on Fiverr's smart algorithm. And Fiverr algorithm consider your gig to promote when you make gig with proper way. Proper way means, research at least 50 gigs on your niche , see what keyword other seller use, how they write description, how nice their gig thumbnail image, then go start to make your gigs, don't be fast . Take at least one week or more to create your gig. PLEASE, BEAR IN MIND DON'T COPY OTHER GIG. It's really bad thing. You can be inspire just. Then clearly describe your services feature.
After creating gig you must share your gig on social media like- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc. Write some blogs on your service & share it on social media. Your targeted customer would be interested.
Many people may say to you sharing gig on social media is not effective, don't heed to their talks. Marketing of your gigs is a very powerful thing, & Fiverr also recommend this.
What is the benefit of sharing gig on social media???
01. It increase your gigs impression & click
02. If you lucky enough you may get some order from your local or international clients
Ahmed Faroquee
Web, WordPress Expert