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Posts posted by julsiji

  1. Hello everybody! I work on fiverr since 2019 but only lately I’ve been noticing a new approach from buyers. It happened to me, now two times in a row, to be questioned for my delivery timing (usually from 20 to 30 days for a coloured, detailed, multiple characters’ illustration), usually in a very rude way too. 
    Now, despite the fact that I’m always ready to accomplish my buyers request, if they are ask with kindness at least, it’s something happened only to me?

    When I do my best to offer a shorter delivery (still in my capability of course), or they ask me a lower price or they disappear. 

    Just wanting to check if it’s a trend or something 🥲

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  2. It’s only me or this sistem with matches doesn’t work properly? I got that probably is keeping updating and it will be better and better, but for now I’ve received a lot of spam (briefs that are empty or they didn’t need anything) or briefs that don’t really match my offers (cause they are based on categories that I’ve included in my gigs but they are not the correct ones, for example I receive a lot of briefs for animations just cause people put “vintage” on the category).

    I don’t know if it’s only me, but the previous sistem at least allowed to search yourself into the various proposal and choose what best suits you.

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