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Posts posted by bkhan2

  1. Hi freelancer fellows,


    Hope you're doing well 👌.


    I'm working on Fiverr as a video creator specializing in funny greetings videos from 1 Year.


    A week back Fiverr removed by primary gig. I have 107 reviews with 5 ratings. Actually I have edit it and add keyword "prank" which is against Fiverr TOS.


    Please review my profile and give me a suggestion to get more Sales on remaining gigs.


    It would be highly appreciated 👍👍.



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  2. today they explained me why my gig was removed!

    I have checked your account and your Gig and found that the services that you are offering in your Gig are not supported on the Fiverr platform. Please bear in mind that any service that leads to pranks, or plotting of pranks is not allowed on the Fiverr platform. 

    I have copied this text from my competitor in which he mentioned that 

    "I will record your message like prank..... ."

    His gig not removed! I accept he is offering this services from one year. why Fiverr hasn't mentioned in their TOS, that prank service is not allowed on their platform?

    • Like 3
  3. 1 minute ago, vickiespencer said:

    Well there you go, copying text from your competitor's gig is agains Fiverr's TOS! 

    Let suppose it's against their TOS.


    But why they said that your gig was removed because the service you're offering is not supported in our catalog.

    • Like 5
  4. 27 minutes ago, shalock said:

    Well, if they say the can't restore it then theres nothing else anyone can do.

    Maybe you could refocus what you did on that gig in a way that is permitted by Fiverr?

    I didn't break any rules. But I have added some lines from my competitor gig.



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  5. Hi 👋👋 Fiverr community,

    My gig is removed after editing. Actually I have edit the gig discription and fix a small grammatical error I have in the pricing.


    After that I received an email from Fiverr that your gig was removed. Shocked 😳😳


    Unfortunately, we had to remove your Gig as this type of service is currently not supported in our catalog. This decision was made after careful consideration and cannot be undone.


    I have 107 5 reviews on it. 


    Can Fiverr restore it? I have already discussed via their team but they are saying sorry we can't restore it.


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