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Posts posted by mafive_concept

  1. On 10/2/2023 at 12:28 PM, jones4k said:

    I have just recovered from the same problem. I have a question, are your gigs visible in fiverr search?

    I have similar issues and my gig is not visible in search anymore. I have 6 gigs and none is showing in search results. 

    Please how did you resolve it. 

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  2. I did a work for a buyer and the buyer keep asking me to redo the work with entirely different reference images, I have done like 2 different scribble art for the client and the client sent another image. I refused to do it and the client is threatening to give me 1 star rating. I feel the cycle will not not if I give in to the buyer, please what do I do 

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  3. I did a work for a client and the client keep asking me to redo the work with entirely different reference images, I have done like 2 different scribble art for the client and the client sent another image. I refused to do it and the client is threatening to give me 1 star rating 

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  4. 6 hours ago, developerzubair said:

    Recently I got a message from a buyer asking for a website that had 3 static pages (without describing the content briefly) and he also sent me a reference site so I proposed him an estimated price but he said to make it less so I told him I can do less $X if I know the content well of the website. After one week of disappearances, he appears with the content that are not as static as I thought It even had a language switcher. Which requires a lot of time. 
    Because his site was related to Cann**ies, I wanted to ask Fiverr CS if this is legit and is not against the fiverr TOS. So I sent him a message which follows "Okay sounds good then. I will ask the Fiverr CS about this but before I do I want to you let you know that this website you are describing cannot be done in $X. Before I made that offer, I thought it's going to be a static 3 pages website but it's not. So are you okay with increasing the price? If yes, I will get in touch with Fiverr CS to ask if this is legit" 

    And then he freaks out that I don't agree with the price. And the rest are shown in the picture below.

    I think fiverr should have a chat detection just like "email", "pay", "@" etc for words like this. 



    What an awful manner to talk to someone. 

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  5. On 11/10/2022 at 5:31 AM, fmrawuser said:

    I have two computers and I already have two Fiverr accounts on my two computers. If I two computers one wifi use. It will be a problem? I want to know about this.

    Having more than one fiverr account is against fiverr policy. Make sure the two fiverr account belongs to two separate people hence fiverr will flag you for getting more than one account. 

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