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Posts posted by leonardosous268

  1. So I had one of those buyers who ask for Y, purchase an order for Y, are told throughout the entire order we're developing Y and, after delivery, that buyer requests additional Z (not wanting to pay extra). 

    After realizing I was never supposed to deliver Z, but only Y, the buyer gave up and simply accepted the delivery, leaving a 1 star review. 

    The problem was: the buyer left a review saying my code was buggy. The delivered code on the platform is completely free of bugs, which Fiverr or anyone can verify, but after reaching out to the support Fiverr insists it's an opinion.

    Saying I'm not communicative enough, or that I don't have great design taste, that's an opinion. Saying I delivered a buggy code, while the code is literally there without 1 single bug, it's a factually false statement. This isn't a subjective opinion, it's a factual lie, also called defamation, and anyone trying to say otherwise has literally 0 idea of the difference between a fact and an opinion.

    They also insist this review doesn't violate their Terms of Service and Community Rules. I guess we're all allowed to lie on facts and call it an opinion.

    We all know how Fiverr favors buyer all the time, just be safe out there.

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