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Everything posted by pyaar42

  1. The same thing is happening to me now. I have got about 13 gigs and are all doing fine. I have specifically got one which has taken me all through to a level 2 seller. It has always been visible to buyers on the first page. I have also gotten over 80 5-star reviews without any negative one. All of a sudden, I discovered all my gigs, yes, ALL OF THEM are not appearing in the search results any longer, they were all kicked out to the rock bottom, beyond the 20th page. Of course, they're all still active, just that they're not listed in the first 20page. So, literally, they're not found within the search results. Of course, I know that fiverr needs to give new sellers a chance of survival and as a result, rotates gigs, but then, it is surprising and incredible to me that the exile of 13gigs at the same time to literally a point of no return is a random algorithmic rearrangement. My impression dropped from about 9k to 3k in just 3days. I have contacted support but all I get is an auto-response saying my gig is active and searchable in the marketplace and nothing more. It's devastating. I don't know if anyone has passed through this devastating condition before and how they managed to scale through.
  2. The same thing is happening to me now. I have got about 13 gigs and are all doing fine. I have specifically got one which has taken me all through to a level 2 seller. It has always been visible to buyers on the first page. All of a sudden, I discovered all my gigs, yes, ALL OF THEM were not appearing in the search results any longer, they were all kicked out to the rock bottom, beyond the 20th page. Of course, they're all still active, just that they're not listed in the first 20page. So, literally, they're not found within the search results. Of course, I know that fiverr needs to give new sellers a chance of survival and as a result, rotates gigs, but then, it is surprising and incredible to me that the exile of 13gigs at the same time to literally a point of no return is a random algorithmic rearrangement. My impression dropped from about 9k to 3k in just 3days. I have contacted support but all I get is an auto-response saying my gig is active and searchable in the marketplace and nothing more. It's devastating. I don't know if anyone has passed through this devastating condition before and how they managed to scale through.
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