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Everything posted by leonormiserol

  1. @ana_tomy I have a question. Doesn't what you mention go against the ToS? Orders are not eligible to be canceled based on the quality of service/materials delivered by the Seller if the service was rendered as described in the Gig Page. You may rate your experience with the Seller on the Order Page, including the overall level of service quality received.
  2. Me too in the same boat. With the new system I dropped to a score of 4. Now some time later I already have a 10 in my concert. But that didn't help my impressions, they're still terrible. The promoted gigs don't help much either.
  3. I think the problem is how Fiverr shows us buyers. If you look, the sellers on the first page take up the majority of the orders. With absurd delivery times, which at first glance makes you realize that they are not people but "agencies". This has always happened, only now with a drop in buyers it affects the rest of us more.
  4. Mysteriously my success score changed from 4 to 5. But it should have gone up to 9. And yet I'm still level 0. But with a score of 9 I should be at level 2. The invisible hand of "transparency" is doing its thing.
  5. I'm in the same boat, colleague. Level 0, with the gig marked with high negative impact due to cancellations, when I've only had 2 cancellations in the last 2 years.
  6. I understand what you're saying, but that's exactly the point. I can tell my companion that the food was not that good, however I tell the waiter that everything was fine, just so as not to bother him. That private review is not going to affect the restaurant's sales, it is not going to have consequences. If I get a private survey about the restaurant I will probably expose the points that I did not like. That doesn't mean it's a bad restaurant, otherwise I would expose it publicly in a review. And I bet you that they will use that data to improve their quality. But in this case they don't give us the tools to know where we are failing, there are only terms like "improvement in communication" or "customer satisfaction." But that is very ambiguous and we cannot improve with so little information. I'm not saying that they give us all the information from the client's private review, but surely they can do something so that we know where we failed and how to improve it, and that is up to each one of us. There are many ways to look at this private reviews, maybe I'm wrong but it seems to me that they can improve it.
  7. For me and for many it is a surprise, since most orders are completed with 5 stars, tips and good reviews. That is the point. How can we know that something is wrong in our relationship with the client if all we know is that he is in love with our work? So the answer is yes, it is a surprise to many.
  8. They will tell you that it is because of the private review system. Where your clients spoke badly about you despite leaving 5 stars and a super enthusiastic review.
  9. So according to the app I am officially a new level 0 seller. And I wonder, when will this come into operation? Some things work, others don't. We're fixing things along the way. If this were a sale to a customer I'm sure they would be very unhappy.
  10. Well that depends, because maybe a new timeline will be created from that moment on. It all depends on the movie or series on which we base these events.
  11. I just received an email from fiverr saying that the changes are already being implemented, but strangely I can't upload the image.
  12. I have an evaluation a year before, I'll let you know how it went in 1969.
  13. Thanks, I didn't know this. Where can I read about that
  14. This time I did not receive any message of absence. But almost a week ago she responds to my messages 😕 and taking into account that it is my last day with this service (because they degraded me at level 0) I expected some answers. I correct myself. From March 6 I do not receive a response from her. I hope she is well, normally when she could not answer I received a message of absence from her. But this time not.
  15. So the system really isn't working. Now I have 8 at one of my concerts (from 3 days ago) and another with --. And I'm still at level 0. It seems to me that someone forgot to put a screw in and the machinery was left loose.
  16. Maybe he just has the account for fun, since he doesn't consider it a real job. We will continue to "play" with our "clients"
  17. And yet it is unfair that one negative private or public review affects the success score more than 10 positive ones. That's another thing we don't know but it feels that way in the impressions of the gig.
  18. Haha you're right. My brain completely skipped that line.
  19. It seems to me that he is referring to the success score. It is different from public scoring.
  20. You may find conflicting answers to these questions. First of all, what CS and the forum moderators say has been contradicted on several occasions. Then I have seen several colleagues who say they have paused or deleted their concerts without having had any changes to their score. Then others say that it did change a little. And yet, it is a double-edged sword. For example, I have my best-selling concert in 4. Where I constantly receive orders. Then I have another one with a score of 8. But in this one I barely receive orders. It means that if I pause at 4 and maintain 8 I will have a very nice LEVEL 2 but I will not receive orders. I know my answer didn't help you at all, it's just an example of how we're all confused about Fiverr transparency.
  21. I don't see transparency here anyway, since buyers' private ratings will affect public metrics. And fiverr doesn't even give us a weekly summary anonymous, of the private reviews received. If they "want us to improve" they have to show us "where we are failing."
  22. Although other metrics could be added to this, such as: How much was paid for each order and number of completed orders from the seller.
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