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Posts posted by sesoru

  1. 22 hours ago, gelmas12 said:


    Wow I love everything about this! Very imaginative. It actually reminds me of those old illustrations in books you'd see where the cover artist put a whole bunch of detail into their fantasy setting, but this is like... way more modern and fresh. I love it.

    17 hours ago, weareartfull said:


    IDK what 5r is, but this is really cool. Like the other artist above, this piece also reminds me of books, especially the ones I most loved to read like The Compass (even though I am sure this has nothing to do with that sort of thing XD). I think my favorite one here is The Magician ❤️

    4 hours ago, gajuseidi said:

    This topic is such a breath of fresh air. Love seeing people expressing themselves in different mediums, keep 'em comming!

    YES! I love seeing everything here. It's so crazy to me because when I asked if I could have a thread like this in the FAQ forum, someone actually tried to act like I was doing this as some sort of nefarious 'everyone help me do a thing' thing... I just wanna see all the cool stuff people make! It's so inspiring. So maybe it does help me - by doing just that? LOL I am glad to see everyone posting here. I hope this thread stays alive for a long while.

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  2. 6 hours ago, zeus777 said:


    Yep! I do love anime themed things, but I enjoy all forms of art. This is pretty cool, you're right the background is detailed but I love that. I think it's really cool to see people do stuff like this as I have never been able to get the focus to sit down and do proper backgrounds with the character in the scene telling a story. This is really cute.  Also I had to go back and check the other one again that you shared. I can't honestly tell which one I like more! Both are so nice.

    5 hours ago, lawan21 said:


    I can't tell if this is an actual building you created, or if this is a 3d image! Either way, this looks really cool and I want to go in and use it (It looks like a sauna and I love those ❤️ )

    5 hours ago, alphagev said:


    The second one is especially nice! The first one is very visually interesting to look at and it looks like you had fun exploring the shapes, while the second looks like some sort of ornate jewelry. Very cool.

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  3. 21 hours ago, gajuseidi said:

    That was a wonderful interpretation, thank you! It has a political connotation as well, but it's quite subtle. You got the strength and calmness combination perfectly.

    Ooh that's cool that it has a political connotation as well. I likely miss it because when it comes to politics I fall very short in many ways lol (I try to keep out of them if I'm being honest x.x) Either way though, I think this is a very strong piece and I adore it. ❤️


    19 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

    Okay, fine. I finished this a bit over a year ago. It's a bit rushed in spots, but I had a deadline. Several flaws, but I'm still pretty happy with how it turned out.

    This is really cute! You may call it rushed, but it definitely gets the point across in a fun and lovable way! I love how it is simple and yet also detailed - it does both just right imo for what you wanted to achieve. And yea, now I want a pie xD (Even though it says it is a cake, the cake is a lie! LOL)


    6 hours ago, ruthsalmun said:

    I'm currently working on this illustration, its still a wip.

    Wow this is great so far! I love the composition, the expressions of both animal and man, and the detail of the armor. It looks like a scene right out of a movie, book, or comic! I would absolutely love seeing the finished image.

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  4. 11 hours ago, zeus777 said:

    This has nothing to do with Fiverr but I drew this a while ago....I don't even remember when, hehehe.
    It's a rather old piece but I still like it. (I tend to not like my older pieces because they tend to suck at times.....)




    I love this! May be older, but it looks amazing in my eyes. I love that it feels like those old childrens books I used to read, the golden books or whatever that we have in America that teach kids morals with cute stories usually involving animals. Super cute.

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  5. 13 minutes ago, mariashtelle1 said:

    Well, I’m drawing for life but it’s not that often that I get to be crafty. 
    I couldn’t find a painting for my house so I had to make an abstract wall art myself. 
    It’s actually huge, it’s the human size 🙈 and as you can see I love everything gold 

    @ahmwritingco how’s my gold fund doing? Do we have enough to buy a penthouse? 



    Okay, this is legit badassery right here lol. I love that you took initiative to make your own wall decoration in this manner. It's going to look great on your wall!

    • Like 35
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  6. On 2/2/2022 at 11:12 AM, kyokiprod said:


    Thank you too! I hope you will get lots of buyers too ❤️ Keep up the good work on that dope music man.

    On 2/2/2022 at 2:28 PM, chessart_studio said:


    Thanks for sharing your portfolio! I love the influence of those classic beefy boy anime styles I see. Dragon Ball is a great classic so I love seeing it inspire others.

    On 2/2/2022 at 2:42 PM, gajuseidi said:


    Wow! I really love this. It has a great silhouette, great colors and theme, and it speaks to a spiritual part of your mind while telling a story. It conveys a sort of strong determination coupled by the calmness of one's heart when they are at peace. I also have to note that I love how you gave this great balance in that you chose to do details toward the top and then let the details flow into the bottom like water, if that makes sense. All the details gather at precisely the right spots while other areas are left less so which for me really creates another layer of added personality and depth. I love it, thank you for sharing!

    • Like 39
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  7. 16 hours ago, frank_d said:

    Feel feee to check this post:


    And all the posts linked in it as well.


    No, impressions are not a fake search done by Fiverr. It means your gig appeared as a result when buyers were looking for something. It doesn’t tell you however how high up you appeared and if buyers saw it and chose not to click or never even noticed it.

    If you are “brand new” you need to focus on improving the number of impressions before dealing with what clicks you should be getting.

    In my personal opinion, copying what others are doing is a bad idea.

    Mostly because you are trying to directly compete with someone who is already successful. If you copy their structure and what they do, and you manage somehow to appear next to them, do you think people will pick you or the established seller?

    Try and look for what you think made them successful and try to position yourself differently.

    Keep in mind that this is a highly saturated marketplace and this is going to be hard work.

    This is actually one of the ones I did end up reading! I think I somehow just got confused then about the analytics and the impressions part then, so thank you for that clarification.


    As for the copying, I didn't mean a direct copy. Basically I took what I saw successful people doing and then I adapted it to my own style. For instance, I looked at how people structured their offers of art and if they had rules/guidelines, or if they kept it simple or more detailed in their descriptions etc. I also looked to see if there were any keywords or phrases that seemed to be used often throughout gigs listed. A lot of people very clearly outline what their gig offers and how the process goes, so I tried to do a similar approach with my own take that was comfortable for me. I hope that clears up my short way of calling it before.


    I do understand that originality is a good thing to have as it draws attention, but I didn't want it to be completely different and then turn off potential buyers as a result. I do think I offer - at least as far as my art goes - something slightly different to what others are offering since my stuff is monochrome and has a base background that is also present in the foreground if that makes sense. I don't think I saw too many others offering this, so I'm not sure if that will be a good niche or if it will end up biting me in the butt later on ahah.


    I see you have several threads up by the way to help others. That's pretty awesome of you! I will be reading most likely even more from you later as I continue to peruse and get used to the place XD

    • Like 96
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  8. Thanks for the info! Do you have any tips then outside of this for those who are brand new and have never gotten a client before using fiverr? I have checked this guide out as well as a few others, and also tried to make my listings seem similar to other popular ones in how I structured them. I also give my fiverr link to anyone that will look, but so far nothing has resulted. I noticed I have around 60 impressions for my writing gig with 6 clicks only, and around 70 for the art one with 6 clicks as well. I am unsure if that is 'good' or 'bad' or if it means anything at all really. I read a thing that sort of explained that impressions are done by fiverr to 'check your work' so to speak - kind of like a pretend search to see if your stuff is brought up with whatever or something? But a lot of it still is strange to me lol 

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