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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @gfxshuvo07, I suggest that you proofread your profile and gigs. Your tagline has a spelling error, the first sentence of your bio has three spelling errors, and there are many grammatical errors throughout. Even your gig title has spelling errors - "Illustrator" is spelled as "iiiustrator" - this will affect your visibility in Fiverr search because buyers won't be looking for "iiiustrator." Your profile should also instill confidence in the buyer. Don't state: No one will want to be the first to try out your gig if you state this. Also, please make sure there are no contradictions in your gig description and packages. In the gig description, you mention that you offer "unlimited revisions" but in your packages, you only offer a limited amount of revisions. Take time when creating your gigs so that buyers will know that you care about your business. You also get a gig video, three images, and two PDFs in your gig gallery - so use ALL of these to showcase your portfolio and skills.
  2. Hi @sabina017212946, There are 21,000+ gigs in Fiverr's marketplace offering the same graphic design services, so you'll need to find ways to make your gigs stand out from the crowd. Currently your profile, gigs, and samples look very generic so you need to sit down and figure out what your unique selling points are and how to showcase that on your profile. You should also niche down and determine who your target buyers are so that you can know how to tailor your gigs so that they are appealing to that target market. Niching down will also help to narrow down the competition for you. Tailor your portfolio samples for that target market. When you have zero orders and zero reviews, your portfolio samples in your gig gallery will act as a business card for you and give you credibility. Make sure the samples shown in your gig video, images, and PDFs are the best you have, and are representative of what you will deliver to your customers. The more samples you have here, the better chances you have of a buyer finding a sample that they like (and want to order).
  3. Hi @guljanjua, It looks like you may have received several negative private reviews, which can affect your account for 6 months or more. It is a good thing that you are getting first-time-to-Fiverr buyers because their reviews have more weight and can affect your account more. Focus on giving them quality deliveries and keeping them happy. Also try to turn the orders you do have into repeat orders. Hopefully this will be enough to pull you out of the slump that you are experiencing.
  4. Looks like I missed it, then - I'm not a Pro seller, just a TRS.
  5. Hi @filipdevaere - Is there any way to tell how many projects you can add to your portfolio before you add projects to your portfolio? I can't see how many I can add and I only have 9 projects. However, I read in the Help Center that you add 5-20 projects. I see that you have 28 now, so I'm wondering if you tried to add 31 projects (and was prevented) or if you could somehow see beforehand how many projects you could add.
  6. I put all my images onto PowerPoint and set my custom size to 8 1/2" x 22" or 8 1/2" x 33" - this can be done in any other application as well (Canva, InDesign, etc). I only did this because I am a writer and I wanted to show more than just 4 pages (since I was using a cover page for one image). Theoretically, you could add more pages than I did.
  7. HI @xotatech, You can highlight up to 20 projects and can attach up to 5 files for each project (e.g., PDF, video, or jpeg). You can add the maximum amount of portfolio items through your videos or customizing your image size (I have my image size set to two pages in height, but some of my portfolio projects have the image size set to 3 pages in height for each file).
  8. I also don't know what additional quality factors there are in our quality metrics besides the BSR, but I do know they prevented me from getting the TRS badge when my BSR was awesome. And you might not be lacking at all. I know some have mentioned that Fiverr limits the number of TRS in each category. So if your category is saturated you may never get the badge. We also don't know how subjective this manual review is. Most people who qualify for TRS never get it, even those who more than deserve the badge.
  9. Hi @wasthuthara, For minor warnings, normally it's three strikes on your record before your account gets permanently suspended. However, if the violation is serious enough, you may not even get a warning at all - your account may be restricted for 90 days and then permanently shut down. I looked at how you do business on Fiverr, your services, and the claims that you make and would suggest that you read Fiverr's ToS to avoid account warnings and/or an account suspension. The fact that you're asking how many warnings you can have before getting suspended suggests that you know you are bending the rules and may be trying to see how much you can get away with. Please don't do that. I see too many sellers come to the forum complaining that they were shut down without even one warning (the first violation resulted in an account suspension).
  10. Hi @mariaxcreations, Once you meet all the minimum requirements for TRS (all your stats are in the green), there are hidden quality metrics that you'll need to meet before your account even goes through a manual review. If you don't meet these hidden quality metrics, then your account won't be considered for the manual review for another 3-4 months. So the number of reviews that you have, your years of experience, and your portfolio won't even be looked at until you meet the hidden quality metrics. Only your last 90 days of performance will be looked at. I can see you are a Seller Plus Member like me. Once I hit all the minimum requirements for TRS, I notified my Success Manager, who told me that a recent cancelation I had put my Buyer Satisfaction Rate (BSR) below the threshold required for the manual TRS review and that I would need to show an improvement for the next 3-4 months before I would be considered for the manual TRS review. This was a bummer because it was my first buyer-initiated cancelation in over 1 year. My past year of zero buyer-initiated cancelations didn't matter at all. All that mattered was I had this cancelation NOW and it did affect my BSR (probably a negative private review since I only have good public reviews). So I knew I had to work hard to keep my buyers happy (i.e., no negative private reviews) for the next 3-4 months. However, right when I hit the 4th month, a hacker got into my Fiverr account, withdrew all my Earnings, and then put in a request to shut down my Fiverr account. Shutting down my Fiverr account immediately canceled all my orders in queue. Even though CS restored my account and adjusted all my visible stats so they were in the green, there were hidden quality metrics within the automated system that were affected for more than 4 months. I don't know what they were, but I lost my eligibility for Seller Plus for a month, Early Payout eligibility for 2 months, and Promoted Gigs. My Success Manager told me that these were related to my account shut down, and since it was an automated system, I would have to wait until I naturally became eligible for those features again, which was about 4 months. Luckily, after those four months, I hit all the hidden quality metrics and also passed the manual review for TRS, so I was able to get the TRS badge. However, I can see how it may be impossible to get this badge if you constantly show negative private reviews in your 90-day record. The manual review team won't even have a chance to look at your profile, reviews, or years of experience. I agree with @donnovan86 - it isn't really worth it to worry about getting the TRS badge. I love what he says here⬇️: And what @milos_siena says here: Anyone who visits your profile will see the sheer number of positive reviews you have. This gives you great credibility and trust with buyers. Many awesome Level 2 sellers never get the TRS badge, and those who do get the TRS badge, often get it when they least expect it, while they're focused on delivering quality work and keeping their buyers happy.
  11. Hi @jonayet987, For the inbox Zoom calls: ALL sellers can initiate Zoom calls with a Fiverr Pro or Fiverr Select buyer but only leveled sellers with an ASP of $50 or more can initiate Zoom calls for all buyers (so this isn't related to Seller Plus). https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011062838-Video-calls-Zoom-calls-
  12. I let buyers know immediately what my schedule is, how many orders are in queue, when I expect to start on their project, and when they can expect a delivery, if they were to place an order now. Sometimes I won't be able to start on their project for three weeks or more, so I need to know if they are willing to wait that long. If not, I recommend they go with a seller who can meet their desired turnaround time.
  13. Hi @mattiam18 - This happened to me when I was using an external mouse/keyboard (but had the touchpad still on). Do you see this issue if you use a different keyboard or mouse? Try using a different keyboard or turning off your touchpad. If you still see an issue, it might be Fiverr-related and you can submit a support ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/account-and-security/report-bug
  14. Hi @habib_g_uiux_d - You might have a bug. You can submit a help desk ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/account-and-security/report-bug Or email Customer Support at: support@fiverr.com
  15. Hi @karankumar59 - As @donnovan86 mentioned, we would need more information to know what ToS violations you have. Did you deliver a partial delivery or misuse the delivery button in any way? The customer may have been satisfied with the project itself, but not with how you handled the order (or the delivery button). If you sent an empty delivery (without an attachment), partial deliveries (several deliveries with only a portion of the project completed), or misused the delivery button in any other way (e.g., to avoid a late delivery), this violates Fiverr's Terms of Service. If, after the customer complained, Fiverr looked at your previous orders and saw that you also misused the delivery button on those orders too, this may be a reason why both of your gigs were shut down. Sometimes a cancelation results in a manual review of your account (which may bring up other violations not related to the cancelation). For example, both of your gigs were offering the same service (making Java, C, & CPP projects and board games) and that may be the reason why your gigs were shut down. It is against Fiverr's ToS to have multiple gigs offering exactly the same service. There may be other things in your profile, conversations, and reviews that triggered the account review. It's worth it to try to figure out exactly what may have flagged your account for review. Can you confirm if you were given a 60-or 90-day period where your account would be under review?
  16. Then submit a request to extend the order and then submit a help desk ticket to Customer Support (CS) do they can contact the buyer on your behalf. If the buyer is still unresponsive, CS can help you cancel the order so that it won't affect your order completiupdated and! Please keep us updated!
  17. Hi @rajat2910, Has the order started yet? If it is still in "incomplete" status, you don't need to do anything. The buyer has already paid for the order and it won't start until the buyer submits their order requirements. You already contacted the buyer 10 times, so that's more than enough. If you choose to cancel the order, it won't affect your order completion rate because no order requirements have been submitted yet. If the order requirements were submitted but there isn't enough information for you to complete the order, request an order extension (and set it to the maximum time you can get). If the buyer doesn't respond within 2 days, the order delivery date will automatically be extended to the new date. After requesting the order extension, reach out to customer support to contact the buyer on you behalf. They are really good at getting nonresponsive buyers to respond (or will help you cancel the order without it affecting your stats if you still can't get a response from the buyer). I once had a buyer who placed an order and was non-responsive for over a year. I wished them a happy summer, then happy fall, sent holiday greetings, and then decided to cancel the order because my prices were much higher and it wasn't worth it to do the order at year-old prices. CS made sure the cancelation didn't affect my seller stats.
  18. @jonayet987, Do you have the video icon in your inbox messages? I always tell buyers that we are only allowed to communicate on Fiverr's platform and that we can video chat using Fiverr Zoom. Usually they are fine with this option. If you click on the Fiverr Zoom option, a link will be created. This link can also be shared by the buyer with other team members to join. Just make sure that you set boundaries (for example, the first 30 minutes of video consultation is free, and additional minutes come with a fee), so that buyers will respect your time. Some sellers also set limits on the number of people who can be on the Zoom call.
  19. Hi @hedayetsaadi556 & @katakatica, I think both of you touched on a really good point. Fiverr doesn't make it easy for new buyers to navigate the platform or find good freelancers. @katakatica, Can you share your experience with briefs and how to access them? I haven't created a brief yet because I don't want buyers having unlimited access to my inbox simply because they've responded to a brief once. It seems easier to just do my own research and contact the sellers I would like to do business with myself. However, I'd like to be more helpful to buyers, especially first-time buyers, who would like to use the brief feature. Fiverr could do better about improving communication in general. It took me 3 months to figure out how to contact CS (I didn't know I had to keep clicking through all the options to get to the ticketing system). I also recently received a buyer email (and saw @Kesha's corresponding post) that let me know that as a buyer, I could schedule a call with a Customer Success Manager here: https://go.oncehub.com/CustomerSuccessManager Or email them directly here: buyer-success@fiverr.com I didn't know this option was available, and I don't often look too closely at the buyer emails that Fiverr sends me. It would be helpful to have an easy access button to these resources in a sidebar on the main Fiverr platform so that buyers, myself included, don't feel stupid when trying to get familiar with the platform, contact CS, or find the right freelancer. As a seller, once I found the forum, I felt supported by Fiverr. However, as a buyer, it took me over a year to feel comfortable, even though I was placing ~10-13 orders each month. I only stuck with it because of the great experience I have on the seller side.
  20. Hi @mat_intersales, It might be because you offered B2C lead generation (which is against Fiverr ToS - you can only offer B2B lead generation). The best thing to do now is read Fiverr ToS so that this doesn't happen to you again should Fiverr give you another chance. You can also work on building income elsewhere, since it can take Fiverr as long as 90 days to make a decision on what to do with your account.
  21. Hi @oymusafir, This shouldn't be a problem - Fiverr also changed the rules last year so that a cancelation doesn't affect your stats if the buyer reorders from you within the next two weeks (and if it does affect your stats, CS will quickly change that for you). Normally you don't have to get CS involved - your stats should automatically adjust when the second order is placed. However, when the second order is placed before the first order is canceled, you will have to reach out to CS to adjust your stats. Just show screenshots of your conversation with the buyer to show why the buyer wants to cancel the first order. Whenever you have cancelations, just remember that cancelations due to buyer error should never affect your stats. I once had a buyer who canceled 5 times because she couldn't properly apply her Honey coupon. She didn't submit her order requirements so it didn't affect my account at all. I've also had buyers place orders (and their order requirements) only to realize moments later that they didn't need the order anymore. So we canceled those orders, too. Fiverr Customer Support also made sure that those cancelations did not affect my seller statistics. Just make sure to communicate with your buyers so that they are taken care of and that it is clear to anyone reading the conversation that the cancelation is due to buyer error. As long as you do that, CS should not have any issues fixing your stats for you.
  22. Hi @basitwahid1, The only way to prove that you are the rightful owner of the account is to prove that the name on the account is your name. Since the name on the account is that of your brother, the only rightful owner of this account is your brother. It doesn't matter if you are the sole user of this account.
  23. Hi @wordpress_dev_s - You didn't answer my questions. You just listed services. Work on answering these questions because this is what you'll have to communicate to every buyer that will be visiting your gigs. If you are convincing enough, they will place an order.
  24. What headaches will you be solving for your customers? Why should they pick you (over the other Wordpress developers out there - and what do you have to offer that's unique)? Buyers will place orders with you if they see you as the expert - so anticipate their needs and present yourself as a solution to their problems. Show your buyers why you are the best choice through your profile, gigs, and gallery samples.
  25. Yes, I can see that. As a Wordpress Developer, you will want to show your problem-solving skills. You'll want to present yourself to your customers so that they see you as a solution to their problems. What are your specific goals that you have for your Wordpress Development gig?
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