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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Since Fiverr now allows reviews for orders that had deliveries (but were canceled), she could still leave a bad review. The only difference would be that her public review would be marked as a "canceled" order and you don't get paid for your work. I've only had 1 buyer who gave me this type of feedback and I did cancel. The buyer was vague and didn't know what she wanted - she only said "I'll know it when I see it." After a week of back and forth with very little input on her part, I could see that I was wasting both her time and my own, so I had no problem giving her a refund. Since the buyer knew I was watching out for her best interest, she was grateful for the way that the order was handled. Normally, if there are just minor changes (not major changes) that need to be made, yes, a buyer can submit a revision request to get that done. As @newsmike says, each seller is responsible for letting their buyers know what changes are allowed in a revision request. For example, I am willing to rewrite a work experience on a resume, but I won't give a completely new design or optimize the resume for another industry. If a buyer were to find a mistake that I made, I'd make the changes for free and wouldn't count it as a revision. I think many sellers would do the same, but do check with your sellers first to make sure. When it comes to "poor quality," do as @newsmike suggests and request a revision. Do this at least once. Be very clear about why you think it is poor quality and why it doesn't meet your expectations. You don't have to point out every single issue, just give a few examples. Sometimes deliveries perceived as "bad quality" are the result of miscommunication. This can usually be corrected with one or two revisions. Other times, the "bad deliveries" are clearly "poor in quality" and this can also be discovered within one revision. At that point, kindly tell the seller that they will not be able to meet your expectations, and submit a request to cancel the order.
  2. Hi @lichanna, As a beta reader, it is your responsibility to tell your readers what services you are offering and what they can expect. What genres do you read or not read? What criteria are you using to review their book? How will your report look like? Do you offer inline commentary or will you only be offering your feedback by report? If you are clear on what you are offering, it's hard to disappoint your buyers because you will deliver exactly what you say you will deliver. If you are worried about your services, spend more time refining your gig until you are sure you understand all of the details that are needed to provide a smooth customer experience for your buyers. As a beta reader, I give my buyers a grade based on 10 literary focus points (the score is out of 100 pts). If the buyer wants to include their own set of criteria, I incorporate that into my report. Sometimes my reports are long (my longest report was 24 pages full of examples), but sometimes buyers only want simple feedback - they just want to know your impressions and the factors affecting reader attrition in 200 words or less. Most of my reports are no longer than 5 pages, with inline commentary in a Word doc (or annotations/comments in a PDF).
  3. This has nothing to do with forum badges but it does touch on the things you should be using the forum for - to learn, grow, share, and connect with others on the forum. If you're interested in growing your business, I think @priyank_mod offered great advice. Staying "busy" on the forum chasing badges is not a good use of your time (as @priyank_mod advises). Forum badges won't help you make money. If anything, it uses up valuable time you could be using to improve your business. I wasn't active on the forum until I was a Level 2 seller. I tried as a newbie seller once, but the forum was so full of bad advice and spam that it was hard to know who to listen to. The Help Center had all the information I needed to grow my business to the point that I was confident that I could identify bad advice if I saw it.
  4. I'll add to the fun! I have a ticket, opened 25 days ago, because my Response Rate disappeared. It has been non-existent ever since: This was the image I sent: Then my Success Score dropped down, so I asked if it was related: I haven't heard from them since, but I know the tech team has a lot on their hands (the site has been glitchy) and I do see the "last activity" on the ticket update, so I'm guessing they're following up every few days or so. I'm just keeping the ticket open to see how long this will stay open.
  5. Hi @casteel_cv, It's a combination of what you and @smashradio are talking about - you are looking for a service that is in demand (buyers need it) and @smashradio is emphasizing an important point - you actually have to be very good at what you do. This article might help you find out the best services to offer to your buyers: The platform has changed a bit, so if you are looking for trending subcategories, just click on the main category and look at the subcategories that show up under "most popular in...[main category]":
  6. @tubaasnari - Can you answer this question as well? ⬆️ I'm trying to figure out why you were given a 90-day account review - that usually happens when an account is flagged for violating Fiverr's ToS. Why was your account disabled? Was it flagged? For me, Fiverr was able to confirm pretty quickly that the hacker logged in to my account (bypassing the 2-factor authentication) and withdrew to a different PayPal account before submitting a request to shut down my account. Since it was all done on Fiverr's platform, Fiverr was able to confirm the suspicious activity, restore my account, and compensate me for my loss. My account was temporarily disabled until I completed all the security measures to protect my account, but it was never suspended, or flagged for review by the Trust & Safety team.
  7. I love it, @emmaki! Great use of negative space and a much better color scheme than Fiverr's new design. I think your buyers will appreciate it, too! I like how you mentioned how Fiverr handles the payments - many buyers think sellers get paid as soon as the order is placed (and don't realize that Fiverr takes off 20% from the top and the seller might not get the payment until 14 days after the order closes). Some buyers also think that sellers can see and quote in their currency and that the seller is sending them annoying reminders to tip. Most of my buyers have questions about buttons that they see, so that's why I always save screenshots of my experiences whenever I buy.
  8. In my early days as a newbie seller, the order chat was used instead of Fiverr's Zoom (usually for buyers who just wanted real-time corrections). Since I broke my rule and started using more Zoom (to prove I wasn't AI), feedback is either given by Zoom or as a written report. I don't get many orders on these gigs, so it might take some time before I see any Success Score changes for those gigs.
  9. No. Free revisions expire after the order closes. Yes - absolutely! No - it's a terrible approach. Doing orders in the inbox won't protect you or the buyer. The buyer has no obligation to pay you for work done in the inbox. Doing "free" orders in the inbox won't affect your gig rank - doing it as an order will (and it might help you get better visibility in search if the buyer is pleased with your work). It's best to do it as an order, and if the buyer doesn't agree, you can block or ignore the buyer. You don't have to do free work. You are a freelancer and should be paid for your time.
  10. Oh, that's disappointing! How did your account get shut down...by the hacker, by you (via help desk ticket), or by Fiverr (via a flag)? When my account was hacked in May 2023, the hacker withdrew my Earnings and then shut down my account. I was chatting with a customer and suddenly got kicked out (and couldn't log back in - the account no longer existed). I had to search my junk mail for the email from Fiverr stating that my account was shut down "per my request." I forwarded that email to Fiverr support and opened a help desk ticket. Fiverr said that my account was shut down by the hacker with the reason of "I have multiple accounts." Which was untrue. Luckily, Fiverr did reinstate my account after 4 days (in restricted mode), and I was able to message my buyers after 6 days and have full access after 14 days (it took some time to re-verify my phone number). I also got compensated for the Earnings that I lost due to the hacker. I wonder why our experiences are so different, when we were both hacked and the hackers withdrew our Earnings. @tubaasnari, Can you provide more details on how you found out your account was hacked (and how you think the hacker got access to your account)? For me, I believe it was through a downloaded file sent to me by a potential buyer.
  11. I've mentioned this before, but Fiverr's articles do mention "tone" when discussing what effective communication is. Tone should be "friendly and polite" and you should "find solutions, rather than assign blame." I noticed that for me, "Effective communication" is lowest on gigs where I have to provide constructive feedback - this includes proofreading, writing coaching/advice, beta reading, website content audits, and Linkedin profile reviews. It seems like I'm not polite or friendly enough when buyers ask me to "tell them what's wrong." My direct style of telling buyers what's wrong might seem accusatory to the AI monitoring my conversations with my buyers.
  12. No, that would be against Fiverr's ToS, so both accounts would be permanently suspended. The current situation isn't ideal either because your existing account is permanently un-leveled, so you will never have access to features that the leveled sellers get unless you can prove that you haven't violated Fiverr's ToS. This is really difficult because Fiverr gives vague details on why accounts are flagged and Fiverr support either closes tickets created by these sellers (or gives templated, AI responses). It doesn't look like these flagged accounts are actually being looked at. The manual review might be an AI-generated report summarizing why the account was flagged. If you depended on Fiverr as your main source of income, you should probably start looking for other sources of income. You might have orders from Fiverr but it won't be as much as you've had in the past. I know this isn't the answer you want to hear, but I don't see Fiverr giving much feedback or support to sellers whose accounts have been flagged for violating Fiverr's ToS.
  13. Hi @hashir33 - Logging in from another device is perfectly okay (for example you can log in to Fiverr on your phone via the mobile app, your laptop during the day, and your PC at night). These are all your own personal devices. The problem is, if you log on your Fiverr account from another device is associated with another Fiverr account that violated Fiverr's ToS. We don't know what criteria Fiverr uses to determine this. One user whose account was flagged for "location inconsistency" didn't own a computer and used only library computers (that were probably associated with multiple accounts). Another user helped a friend get set up on Fiverr, but used his own computer to do so (not his friend's). Both user accounts got shut down. Other users purchased computers from others who had Fiverr accounts, and said they were flagged. And a Fiverr staffer on the forum specifically stated that changing your location (as in leaving the country) could result in an account suspension. That's why the Fiverr staffer recommended that we notify Fiverr anytime we leave the country.
  14. In the 117 orders that I've placed over the past 2 years, I've never been scammed by a Pro or TRS seller. I've had zero issues with a Pro seller, and only one hiccup with a TRS seller. Level 2's are tricky because that's where you can often find the best talents (but as a new buyer, it may be hard to differentiate between the good sellers and the bad). When did the bad experience happen with the TRS (before or after the review)? I found your review on the TRS profile: I know you mentioned most of your "bad" sellers were found before the sale/purchase. If you don't see a report button in chat or if you find an account violating Fiverr's ToS (as in using fake profile pictures or locations), you can report the user to Fiverr via support ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/community-standards-and-terms-of-service/report-violation/create-ticket
  15. "TRS" stands for "Top Rated Seller." These have the badge next to their names (and are vetted by Fiverr). Level 1 & Level 2 sellers are not vetted by Fiverr (these sellers receive their levels automatically when specific metrics are met, such as reaching a certain number of orders and sales). It looks like the last seller you used was TRS, but it's hard to tell with the others (they may have lost their levels when the new system was launched). I don't see you using any sellers - these are sellers also vetted by Fiverr to have this badge on their account.
  16. Hi @hashir33 - It could be any number of reasons. Do you use public computers for your Fiverr account? Did you buy your computer second-hand? Do you allow other Fiverr users to log in from your computer (or have you logged in to your account on someone else's computer)? Are you (or have you ever) operated as an agency (e.g., a team working under one account)? Fiverr currently allows teams to work under one Fiverr profile if they are clear they are operating as a team (but only one person is responsible for logging in to the account and managing it). Your account flagging might also be related to your international travels or if you use VPN (Fiverr recommends that you notify them via support ticket if you travel outside of the country or use VPN to avoid any potential issues).
  17. Hi @tkojohn, It is frustratingly hard to find a good seller on Fiverr - I've also lost over $2k on bad sellers (and it took me over a year to feel comfortable as a buyer on Fiverr). The only reason why I continue to buy is because I'm also a seller, and I appreciate the amazing talent that you can find on this platform, once you know how to properly vet your sellers. New buyers have to be especially careful because a bad seller could trick you, if you aren't familiar with how Fiverr works. However, in most of these cases, even if Fiverr can't replace your lost time, they usually refund your money (and will investigate any accounts that you flag with "report"). To report a seller (before purchasing the gig), you'll have to click on the three dots at the top of any of their messages and "Report": Over the past 2 months, Fiverr had a mass flagging of accounts due to "location inconsistencies" since they know that there are many sellers who aren't truthful about their location. They also recently revamped the level system and review system, to crack down harder on those who manipulate the review system and hopefully flush out some of these bad sellers. They are also revamping programs for Pro sellers and agencies to help highlight sellers and agencies who are vetted manually by Fiverr. So Fiverr is trying to improve and make it easier to find good sellers. Only time will tell if these changes are effective, though. For me, the number of reviews is just one thing that I look at (I have been scammed by a seller with over 1k 5-star reviews). Instead I use inbox chats to discuss my requirements and "see" how sellers communicate and conduct themselves.
  18. Hi @tubaasnari, If you didn't get an email from Fiverr with withdrawal instructions, then most likely your account is still under review. It can take longer than 90 days, and I can see that @ana_tomy did follow up on your ticket about 8 hours ago. Please allow the team time to complete their review and get back to you. Adding more tickets will only slow down their process.
  19. Please do! I haven't seen any feedback from those who converted their accounts to the new agency profiles. Hopefully your posts can encourage more feedback and discussion on this new feature. I also noticed that when I use the limit-orders-in-queue feature, if I turn that feature off, impressions jump back immediately (as opposed to using Out-Of-Office, where it usually takes 3-4 days to start getting impressions again).
  20. Hi @hashir33 - I can see that you tagged several Fiverr staffers to this thread, so I'm hoping that they will be able to look into your ticket and provide your with more details on why your account was flagged. I asked @Kesha to clarify location inconsistency in this thread here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/326680-can-i-use-different-wifi/?do=findComment&comment=2043865 If you travel often (especially outside of the country), then it's best to put in a ticket to CS so they are aware of your travels. Also, based on what I've seen on the forum, it also seems like accounts are being flagged for "location inconsistency" when they use a computer that is linked to another Fiverr account that violated Fiverr's ToS. This may happen if you are working off of a public computer (such as a library computer) or help a friend or family member set up their Fiverr account on your computer (this violates ToS because you are creating another account, and users are only allowed one account). It might also be possible to get flagged for "location inconsistency" when you use a second-hand computer that was purchased from another person (and that computer is linked to another Fiverr account). If your account is flagged, you can still sell services and operate as normal on Fiverr, you just won't have a seller level, or any of the perks that you can get from having a level.
  21. Hi @sumiregoto - Currently only those in the Digital Marketing or Programming & Tech categories can apply for the "Agency" status, which is a new, vetted status that Fiverr launched earlier this year. Since you do offer LinkedIn digital marketing services, you may be able to qualify. You can sign up for the waiting list here: https://pro.fiverr.com/cp/agencies-waiting-list To qualify, you have to be an established company offering services from your Fiver account. If you pass Fiverr's vetting process, you will be given an application to fill out and you can convert your individual profile to an agency account. If you don't like being an agency (for example, if you thought you had better impressions as an individual), you can switch back to an individual account. However, you might have to reapply to be an agency if you want to switch back. Buyers will be able to filter their searches by "agency" to find agencies to work with. Agency gig cards will be twice the size of a normal gig card, so buyers can see more info before actually visiting your gig. Agencies will also be listed in the Pro category, which is another way that you'll have better visibility. On your bigger gig card, you will be able to show the number of employees and indicate what sets you apart from the competition. Once buyers click on your agency, they will see your profile page, where you can include bios/pictures of your team members: No - Fiverr only allows one login/email for the agency account so that they can manage all of the user permissions. Fiverr discourages team members of an agency from having their own Fiverr account. You can visit the Help Center and read more about this feature: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/21099496893585-Fiverr-agencies My Opinion I don't like the idea of Fiverr vetting agencies unless they are being vetting as a TRS or Pro account - agencies are currently operating under individual profiles and already have an advantage over sellers who are working alone. Sellers should just be able to have a toggle button that labels them as an agency (with agency features activated if the toggle button is on). This would make it more transparent for buyers on how sellers are operating, and easier for agencies to operate because they can immediately access the admin/user permission settings. In this new "Agency" program, only vetted agencies will have the badge and these privileges, while the majority of agencies will still look, operate, and be compared with individual seller accounts. This doesn't seem very fair or transparent to me.
  22. Hi @Lena, Can you clarify this? ⬆️ When there was a mass flagging of accounts due to "location inconsistencies" last month, several sellers, including myself, requested that Fiverr clarify what constituted "location inconsistency." If leaving a country results in an account suspension, it would be good to know how this affects digital nomads, those who frequently travel abroad, and other sellers who may move to another country. I went through the updated ToS and Community Standards, and while I think they do a better job of specifying different violations, I didn't see anything that stated leaving the country could result in an account suspension. The closest thing I could find was in the Community Standards, which stated that "It is prohibited to ...use automated programs and tools to misrepresent your actual location." I took this to mean using VPN. Can we have clarification on what constitutes location inconsistency (preferably on a different thread)? We don't have a clear stance from Fiverr on how travel/changing locations and VPN use affects users on this platform. I submitted 2 help desk tickets when I moved from Japan back to the US, and I know several users have submitted help desk tickets to use VPN in their countries. However, I don't think help desk tickets are a feasible solution for digital nomads or those who work from different locations from day to day.
  23. Hi @jabirahamed20 - For this ⬆️, you have to build value in the eyes of your prospective buyers. I would, as a buyer, pay $80 (really much more - $250, $500, or more with customizations/support) if I thought that the seller (new seller or experienced) could give me the website that I'm looking for. I wouldn't, if the seller's gigs and profile look generic, like many of the other sellers on the platform offering web design services. New sellers have all the tools they need to make their profile and gigs stand out and look more credible, trustworthy, and appealing to their buyers. However, most don't take advantage of the tools they have or they don't focus on appealing to their buyers. For me (and other buyers wanting to launch a website), what we really are looking for is someone who will take away the headache of launching a website. It seems easy in theory, but when the spacing is all off on the headers and or there is somehow an unknown toggle button turned on causing issues, this seemingly simple process can quickly grow into a big headache and a half-finished website that never actually got "published." That's really where your value is - you are the solution to your buyer's pain. So tailor your gigs with these pain points in mind. As a buyer, I ultimately went with a seller who calmed my "launching a website" anxiety well before I even placed an order. Every word that I read in the gig description and FAQs let me know that this seller was going to take good care of me. Every interaction in the inbox and order chats also reassured me that everything was going to be okay. As a newbie seller, use all the tools that Fiverr gives you to reassure your buyers that you are the seller for them. Make them forget about badges (and they will, if they see that you can provide them what they are looking for). When I was a newbie seller, I spent a lot of time trying to build credibility through my gig gallery (e.g., gig video, pictures, and PDFs). I even created a PDF for each gig to help the buyer get the most out of their Fiverr experiences (for example, a guide I made, "Top 10 Ways to Get Started on Fiverr"). This included tips on navigating the platform, the order pages, and accessing resources and customer support. I also used PDFs to showcase more examples of my work/services than could be shown in a single picture or gig video. Many of my first buyers who placed orders with me would let me know that they saw something in my gig gallery that they liked and so they reached out to me in my inbox. Once I started getting orders, I let my delivery images replace a lot of these guides and portfolio samples. Sellers who focus on meeting the needs and concerns of their buyers, even before orders are placed, often do very well on Fiverr.
  24. The only inkling that I have that AI might be doing this is in Fiverr's "Success score, explained" article where it keeps referring to "tone" when advising sellers how to communicate with buyers (e.g., polite and friendly). But let's hope that Fiverr isn't that reliant on AI... Grammarly tells you immediately in the form of emojis how your messages sound. I was wondering if they used the same technology to "guess" how a conversation is going.
  25. I thought they just turned on an AI switch and left it on. 😊 We can see a little more data, but we can't see our scores in all six areas (only 2-3 key areas). For the others, we don't know how those key areas are rated by the AI (i.e., strong negative impact, negative impact, room for growth, positive impact, or strong positive impact). And even further, we don't know how AI breaks down each of those ratings. There are so many factors that sellers (and Fiverr) don't know are influencing these scores.
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