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Posts posted by kai990

  1. On 9/29/2021 at 7:01 AM, coerdelion said:

    Healthy food in my home is pretty much anything home made from scratch, using all fresh ingredients, preferably organic.  That way everyone knows what's in it.

    Yep, that definitely sounds really healthy to me. Especially since the meals are done from scratch - I bet they taste super duper good as well!

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  2. On 9/29/2021 at 5:39 AM, mariashtelle1 said:

    There is no such thing as favourite healthy food. 
    All healthy food for me is pure suffering 🙈 

    Deliveroo addict here 🙋‍♀️

    Haha, yeah there are certain unhealthy foods that I just cannot avoid! 🤣

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  3. On 9/29/2021 at 3:33 AM, katakatica said:

    Okay, I'll start 😄

    I wouldn't particularly say I eat healthy, BUT it depends on your definition of - we have lots of veggies in our garden so when I'm bored I'll make an omelette with a side salad (tomatoes and either some olive oil or Japanese mayo, trust me it works!), onions and the like. I also make lots of stir-fries with minimal oil and as many veggies as the wok will take 😄 Roasting all the veggies together (I usually do onions, sweet potatoes, garlic, eggplant if we have any, zuccini, peppers and so on) and adding it to a salad base is great, too!

    When I'm abroad, I also like to make a small cheese-platter (toast, butter, honey, various cheeses, fruit) or hummus with veggies (not a fan of raw veggies but love hummus, so...)

    (as for non-healthy options... tons of meat prepared the Hungarian ways (roasted or in a stew, goulash and so on...) 

    Wooow, all the food ideas you listed above sound really good! 😋

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  4. Recently I’ve been looking for more healthy food to eat, particularly meals with vegetables in them or maybe meals that are just nutritious in general. I really just want to see what kind of healthy foods you eat…maybe it will help me decide what to eat in the future, haha. I also love hearing about food eaten all around the world, so that’s good to know as well. Comment below (if you want, of course)! 😁

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  5. Nighttime is definitely the time when I’m ‘working’ a lot, and by ‘working’ I mean mainly drawing and writing. There’s always something I can draw, especially since I’m working on a Webtoons story, and I’m a writer on Episode, Wattpad, and Tap, so as you can see there’s always something that I can do. Now that I started school, my time is limited during the day, and there are still times when I want to just relax and watch YouTube/play games, so when I can’t sleep at night, drawing and writing is what I do. 😌

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  6. I’ve seen some people post songs from YouTube, so I want to do the same.


    I really enjoy this song, and it’s an example of something I listen to. 

    That being said, I pretty much listen to everything except country (with an exception of two songs) and most of rap. I guess if I had to pick the top 3 genres I listen to, I’d pick rock, j-pop/pop, and electronic. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

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  7. 3 hours ago, j6nyc6 said:

    I been a Hip-Hop head since I was 5 years old, so much so I now dabble in writing rap lyrics as a side hustle here on Fiverr.


    Your video actually sounded really catchy, so good job!!

    And wow, it’s kind of crazy to think about how much you enjoyed hip-hop for all those years, and even decided to make it a side hustle in the end. Gotta say, that sounds really neat, I’m glad that you’re doing something you have enjoyed for so long.

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  8. 3 hours ago, lenasemenkova said:

    Once we were walking past a loud construction site and my sister said: “Oh look, your favourite band is playing." 

    I “only” met Shirley Manson at a festival because I was with someone who had to interview her. They said I could ask her a question and I just babbled some nonsense about how I wanted to grow up to be like her and how fantastic her hair looked in person. She was very nice despite my outburst. I've never met a person "from my playlist" before or after that.

    Sounds like an interesting interaction, haha. Either way, at least you got to meet her, and she ended up being very nice too, so that’s a plus. 😄

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  9. 3 hours ago, smashradio said:

    I keep forgetting that people actually listen to music from their own country. Must be because I'm from Norway, the coldest fu**ing country on the planet, where every single artist sings about summer with latin vibes pretending we actually enjoy ourselves, when all we do is drink homemade 96% alcohol, going skiing and... singing about summer. :classic_laugh:

    Oh, and when we sing about going skiing, we do it in a way so you'd think it's actually about a summer party at Ibiza. This is not a joke. xD

    Of course we listen to music from our own country, haha. I knew that Norway can have really cold weather, but I didn’t know that they were that cold. Going skiing sounds hella fun though, I personally love skiing. And honestly, if it really is that cold, then I don’t blame the people for wanting to pretend to enjoy themselves, lol. 

    Daaamn, Ibiza though. Beautiful area, just beautiful. 😌

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  10. 4 hours ago, theratypist said:

    Aww, I found out we could only vote once. Hehe, well mine is Alternative/Indie. Coldplay, The Killers, American Authors 🙂

    Though I sometimes would consider Taylor Swift a favorite, scratch sometimes .... often times in the car... My fiancee thankfully has not found it as a dealbreaker 😄 😂

    I love instrumental too, when I need to focus. I play the piano and a bit of violin (not the best at it obviously -- but I just LOVE how it sounds when played right) so I love instrumental at the right times hehehe!

    Yeah, unfortunately we can only vote once. If I could I’d vote on most of the genres I put down.

    Coldplay and The Killers are my jam! Love them. I’ve never listened to American Authors, but I want to now. Taylor Swift is also a really great artist to listen to, I like her old and new songs. 

    Yep, when I need to study or concentrate on something, instrumental is the way to go. It’s cool that you can play the piano, I know how much skill and effort that takes, and even knowing how to play a bit of violin is cool as well. When it comes to instrumental, I really like listening to “Lofi Girl” on YouTube. They produce lofi hip-hop, it’s really calming, in my opinion. 

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  11. 4 hours ago, smashradio said:

    I'm not sure if I fit into your box. Some of my favorite artists are Schiller (blend of electronic, classical, pop, synth, chill-out and ambient I guess you could say) and Finnebassen (house), but you'll also hear me listening to Industrial Black Metal (yeah, that's a thing) or Dublin Soul. I'm also taken by a lot of music scores, especially ones composed by Hans Zimmer. 


    Wow, that’s interesting! I’ve been wanting to find new music to listen to, so I’ll actually try listening to the artists you just mentioned. I enjoyed the video, I like how the beginning part transformed into something bigger and catchy. 🙂

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