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About abusaeed7171

  • Birthday 11/10/1997


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  1. I saw the first gig photo in your gig. The gig photo not professional. The color should be further improved.
  2. What will be the effect of repeat score on my ID?

    Also how i will benefit?

    repeat score.JPG

  3. 1st time got a tip.

  4. Congratulations! Continue with confidence. Hopefully you will go a long way.
  5. Congratulations! Continue with confidence. Hopefully you will go a long way.
  6. Still I didn't get any order😥

  7. You can follow bellow contents: read thoroughly what the client's needs narrow down your expertise and client's demand to make happened by you demand the logical price if the client doesn't mention include what extra you will dedicate to him ask questions whether something unclear keep it in mind: client knows only 30%, you know 70%. Thus, you are liable to understand the fact. don't forget show etiquette.
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