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Posts posted by rabiulr

  1. Actually you can't delivery that project right that way. if it was mistone project then you could be, so In this situation I suggest you to communicate with your client about it. Don't worry if you make him understand then he will also help with this I think...

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  2. All the freelancers in recently Bangladesh are suffering from internet problems, I am one of them. In the quota version movement in this country, some people shut down the Internet to avoid misinformation in all kinds of social platforms, but now the Internet has started, but even then the current Internet speed is so slow that it is not good for a freelancer.

    In such a situation, many talented freelancers are losing their profile rank and are unable to deliver orders on time. Similarly, I am also deprived of gig impressions and clicks due to the lack of internet for the last 6-7 days and I don't know if I can go back to the previous position with any kind of effort.

    To all Fiverr clients please refrain from canceling orders and extend delivery time if possible. Stay with us in the long run, it will all be fine in a few days.
    Thank you!

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  3. I have a question for you...
    I got new opportunity about add clients to the profile. but, there have a unfortunately matter is that, while I ask to my regular client for adding, then they are agree with me but after that they stoped talking to me. However, I have made many project with them. so why they doing this ? Did I made any mistake?

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  4. On 6/26/2024 at 10:56 PM, innevix said:

    I recently, got a message from someone who messaged me that he has completed the order. Unfortunately, I open the link he sent, it opens a DDOS page and opened fiverr scammed order view page. So now, what should I do? 

    You shouldn't violates fiverr terms & policy. 

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  5. On 1/18/2024 at 3:47 AM, janyseo333 said:

    I thanks to all fiver forum community members and I want Tip for all fiver members you should edit your gig keywords time to time change at least 2 week because you see your more impressions and click and may be possible you getting order 

    But I'm confused about it. even after I would like to know that if I'll do it then benefit will I get ?

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  6. 13 minutes ago, syedtalal114 said:

    I am new seller on fiverr and for the past fews days my gig is not showing up in a search result. What should I do? can anyone guide me related to this?

    How many impression are you getting on your gig?

    If that's not enough then research about gig title, content, gig thumbnail with valuable keyword thereafter publish new gig. Do your best

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