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Everything posted by artamusic

  1. Ive been here for more than 2 years. Became number 2 seller with 5star review. I have 7 active gigs and been few months since my impressions (all together) are less than 10 per week! Why!? what have I done wront, what should i do to fix it ! Any suggestion would be highly appreciated! I know i have to be patient, be active, promote it and etc! i did them all! but I feel like something is wrong! I see new sellers with more than 300 impressions per gig !
  2. It would be amazing if fiverr Introduces another way rather than payoneer and paypal!
  3. I think its been months since buyer requests no longer exist!
  4. how did you find out about the result of your application? and how long did it take? I submitted mine more than a month ago and I didnt receive anything
  5. Hi guys Does anyone know how can i track down my fiverr pro application status? I submitted it more than a month ago and I send them an email, but I havent received anything back. Anyone knows how can I check the results and when its gonna come?
  6. Yeah but the buyer request were engaging me active. now , I have nothing to do except for waiting for someone to maybe write me and order me. And im a level 2 seller with overall rate 5. but since then, my impressions has dropped drastically and its almost 15 per week (for 7gigs in total! )
  7. Where is Buyer brief? I didnt know there was such option, where can i find it?
  8. Why did Fiverr decide to remove buyer requests? what was the reason? Since then, my impressions and orders had been drastically falling. Im getting disappointed, what was the reason or ideology behind this change? to reduce the orders?
  9. Have you tried contacting customer support?
  10. After 2 years and becoming a level 2 seller on Fiverr with an overall rate of 5, I should say, I have absolutely no idea !!!
  11. im getting more and more disappointed :))). last week was 6 for me ! less than 1 impression per gig! :))))
  12. Thanks, but im trying to figure how the algorithm works . Its like fiverr decided to punish me for god know why!
  13. 25K is quite a good number actually, be thankful. I became level2 seller with 5-star review after two years, and my impression is 14 in the past 7days. its like my gig is dead for no reason 😞 do you have any suggestion for me ?
  14. Same thing happened for me. After becoming a level 2 seller with 5-star review, I suddenly dont have impressions anymore. last 7 days, just 14 impressions and no clicks on any of my gigs (which are 7). I don't even know why this is happening. normally, when I become level 2 seller, fiverr must encourage me and show my profile to people because every client of mine was satisfied. I'm totally getting disappointed. The previous month i had 0$ ! and this month i just had 40$ from an old customer 😞 does anyone know any solution? Also my gig is related to music production, meaning that chatgpt or similar AI's can not create such content (so far at least)
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