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Status Replies posted by gajuseidi

  1. @vickiespencer Thank you for the link! I appreciate it. Now I just need to wait out my sentence😄


    1. gajuseidi


      I was being jailed by the forum. Could not post or even reply to private messages due to daily post limit 😄 Still found a way to reply to you, although the post limit sure does make communication a bit difficult. Thank you once again for your time and the link, I'm already putting it to good use. 😊

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. @elementor_ Hey buddy, would you mind not spamming reactions on every single post I've ever made? You have given 11.5 k reactions in three weeks, which is roughly 547 reactions per day. I'm not sure if anyone told you yet, but having an undeserved forum badge does not increase sales on your seller profile. Why don't you find something better to do instead of being a nuisance, yeah?

  3. @elementor_ Hey buddy, would you mind not spamming reactions on every single post I've ever made? You have given 11.5 k reactions in three weeks, which is roughly 547 reactions per day. I'm not sure if anyone told you yet, but having an undeserved forum badge does not increase sales on your seller profile. Why don't you find something better to do instead of being a nuisance, yeah?

    1. gajuseidi


      Have you even read my message? If you love fiverr community so much, why not stop the spamming and actually engage with the community?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Gajuseidi channelled his inner Thor with this comment.



    1. gajuseidi


      I appreciate the reference 😄😄

  5. This might actually top everything that I have experienced on the forum. This is so absurd it's actually hilarious.

    As I'm messaging a moderator in private in hopes to report a spammer who is flooding the forum with their nonsense (and there doesn't seem to be another way to report a person rather than messaging a moderator), I get this message that I will attach below.

    @frank_d I'm sorry, you might have to wait 24 hours for my reply. 😄

    So how's everyone doing? How are the forum Conga Gods treating you today? 😄 @fiveroptic1  @mandyzines @vovkaslovesnyy  @zeus777 @smashradio @vickiespencer @lloydsolutions @newsmike @alphagev @maitasun @theratypist @mariashtelle1 @surajkartha @ahmwritingco


    1. gajuseidi


      I think I might have hit a limit on my limit, as I didn't seem to be able to reply to my own status update yesterday 😄

      @theratypist I bet this logo was made on fiverr 👀😄 I've also come to learn that There's also a Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa. Surely, all sorts of congregations must be happening there.

      @alphagev The Conga Rats© must be tired visiting so many posts here in the forum. 😄

      @surajkartha I posted 4 posts and sent 2 private messages.

      It surely feels like the new norm. Whenever the forum seems to be relatively quiet, you can expect a storm soon. 😄

      @lloydsolutions Could be. It feels a bit strange that private messages count as posts, at least in this particular instance.

      @zeus777 Good to hear!

      I'd love to visit Tokyo or travel to Japan in general some day.

      It's a never ending holiday season in the US, huh? 😄      While Halloween is not a national holiday here in Lithuania, many people here still like to dress in scary costumes and go out to party 😊

      @frank_d I will reply momentarily, thank you so much for you help in making this forum a better place 😊

      @mandyzines Same thing happened to me yesterday, could not even reply to my own status upade 😄

      You're keeping pigs? 😮 Or do they just come around occasionally to feed on your garden? 😄

      @ahmwritingco I Appreciate the hashtag 😄

      Yeah, the weather in Lithuania is also getting colder and the days are getting shorter. Time to prepare warm blankets and wool socks for those dark evenings.

      I bet the maritime climate of Philippines would be nice this time of year 😄

      "He's half the reason I want to move in. I remember her story in the Emoji Game of him buying her a legendary meal.

      Me licking sauce off my fingers and slurping my soup might ruin the romantic vibe of the next one, though. I think I'll get a big fat no from them. 😅" Hey, you never know if you don't try 😄😄

      @maitasun  Hey, Maita!

      That's nice to hear. 😄 You never know with these copyrighted©, trademarked™ ethereal beings, some days they bless you with a wholesome conversion and other days they just send this whole place straight to the abyss 😄

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  6. @surajkartha @maitasun @alphagev @theratypist @vovkaslovesnyy @vickiespencer @mariashtelle @mariashtelle1 @krheate @gajuseidi @randommeksellswhofollowme

    I'm here to deliver your daily shot of dopamine! Long live the capybara and AOL.



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