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Posts posted by milos_siena

  1. The gig is removed because it provides prohibited services. Unfortunately, the support usually doesn't respond in these cases as they consider this final.

    "Promising financial or personal benefits

    Any promise of financial or personal outcomes which are not in a seller’s control, including any unreasonable or overstated claims of what a buyer may achieve by acquiring a seller’s services.

    This includes but is not limited to guarantees or promises related to: 

    Restoring buyer’s access to online accounts (ex. Amazon, Facebook, eBay, etc.)

    Specific monetary earnings or specific profit/return rate on an investment

    Wins, higher levels, in-game currency, or profits in any game or app

    Results related to healing or treating medical issues or promises of mind control"

    - from community standards.

  2. As far as I can see, you don't have any negative labels on your profile that would send your gigs at the last search pages or make them disappear.

    Are you satisfied with the recent number of impressions and clicks ? 

    • Like 8
  3. Scammers are finding targets through filters - new sellers and cheap gigs. Unfortunately, this is a common thing - report them as spam and they won't affect your stats.

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  4. Sometimes it's a good idea to refresh you gig by changing image/s if you are not satisfied with your recent gig performance. Reviews will stay. Your most popular gig has a pretty generic main photo.

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  5. The success score doesn't depend on how your profile looks, it depends on the quality of your work (value for money), finishing on time, asking to extend delivery time, good communication etc. And then again, you may bump into a seller who gives you a negative (or private negative) review although you did everything well. But then again, you depend 90% on the overall quality of your work.

    • Like 5
  6. Hi,

    I reviewed your profile and you don't have any negative labels - success  score 7 is still a good score. Keep up the good work and after you reach 400 dollars, you'll level up ! 

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