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About nazia_99

  • Birthday 02/10/1994


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  1. How can I determine when it's time to remove my gig and create a new one?

  2. Could someone please review my gigs and provide feedback on what I might have done incorrectly? https://www.fiverr.com/nazia_99?up_rollout=true
  3. I'm experiencing a common issue on Fiverr where my gigs receive clicks and impressions but aren't resulting in any orders.
  4. Hello Filip, I know you are so busy but I have a question in my mind … I was inactive on Fiverr for the past one year but recently I have decided to back on Fiverr … following this decision I publish 4 gigs in Fiverr on 10 august but I don’t get much impression .. I get only 100 impressions average.. Is it so normal ? Coz when I first join on Fiverr in 2021, I publish only one gig and from the beginning, my gig was on first page but this time Fiverr Scenario is quite different…. What should I do now ??? Sorry if I disturb you .. but I’m waiting to hear from you…
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