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  1. Hey, welcome on fiverr. Check your buyer requests daily and consistently send requests. You should soon get one. Best of luck!
  2. "You must have active gigs in order to see new buyer requests!" - hey, can anyone explain this? Took a break, and now not getting any buyer request.
  3. No. You can't change the username of your current account. The only option is to deactivate your current account and create a new one.
  4. Welcome to Fiverr and Fiverr forum. As a new seller you can publish up to 7 gigs. To create a new gig, try creating a unique gig image and a good title. Don't copy paste your gig description but write using your own words. Happy Freelancing 😄
  5. I’ve recently started my journey on Fiverr as a seller. After how long Fiverr asks for verification since I haven’t got mine yet.
  6. I also faced a similar problem. Try cache cleaning the browser tab using shift+f5 (windows) or Command+R (safari). It helped me.
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