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  1. Dear Amir,

    I'm sorry if I message you as I see you are the Product Manager of Promoted Gig.
    I tried to look up for this answer on Forum, asking Customer Support and even my SSM but can't find a clear answer.
    I hope you don't mind to read my case and help me to get some answer of it.

    So here is the case.
    About promoted gig. I know that there is some metrics that we have to fulfill to be able to eligible for this features, including some additional metrics that we don't know.
    And once we become eligible, we can promote.
    The problem is, if because of something, our gig become unqualified, we will lose this promoted gig features. So far I'm understand about how it work. Your gig performing well, you got a chance to promoted, but if you don't performing well, you will lose that chance.

    And then once we become unqualified, suddenly our gig will be pushed and placed at the very end of search page. All of our gig.
    In my case, I just assume that maybe just 1-2 gig that is not performing well, but suddenly all of my active gig are put on the very back of the search page.
    It's like Fiverr punished us because our gig is not performing well. I can say it more like a "punishment" because usually when on the normal situation without promoted gig, my gig can be placed like on some front page on the search engine, like page 1-10. I know sometimes when I'm not performing well, my gig will be pushed back and put on the back page, like page 11-20 or even lose and gone for a while until I perform well again.
    But that's happened on just 1 of my gig that is not performing well. My other gig that is performing well didn't get affected.
    But with this promoted gig become ineligible because of 1 gig, it affect all of gig.

    Okay, but so far I still can understand that if that is the way how it works then I will follow it. I just feel that this promoted gig has a very high standard that has to be met. If we meet that standard we will gain advantage (and yes it's totally great). but if we don't meet that standard "we can't go back to our normal situation"
    My question is simple (sorry for the long story).

    If one day I become eligible to promote again and choose not to use it, will my gig work on the normal like usually it does?

    I mean like if 1 of my 10 gig performing well, only this gig that will be pushed back on the search engine while the other gig can be stayed on where they are depend on their performance.

    Or if one of our gig is not performing well, that gig will be pushed back just like 10-20 pages behind, but we can crawling up again by building some good performance? Not pushed back 100.000 page to the very end of EACH SEARCH ENGINE?

    Or the same "high standard" metrics will still be applied to us (seller) even though we are not using this promoted gig features again?


    That is my question.
    And sorry for the long story. I've been looking forward for this answer but couldn't find it.
    Hopefully you can have some times to answer about my question.
    I appreciate your time and help.

    Best Regards,
    Gunawan Guan

  2. From https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs?segment=seller#h_01EYN26Z10WRW57WH8K7XQBF07 " Your monthly ad costs will be deducted from your Fiverr Balance on a monthly basis, as specified in our Terms of Service"
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