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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Hi guys! Is there anybody here, who could amend his level score the last months? I mean it... Someone, who was able to make it better since we have the new system? I did not really read any positive example yet ( if there are some, pls copy it here ) The only thing what I found, that the score drops very easily but on the other hand it is hard to amend again. After the change I had a SS of 8, then a 7 and now a it is 6 - although I only get positive feedbacks and 5 stars (surprise!) . So my account is in danger to lose my Level2 Badge, and although I am delivering permanently on different gigs, the score does not change at all...
  2. About the effective communication score: How can it be, that in one of my gig it says strong positive impact, in the other on : room for growth and in the next one: negative impact. I am communicating always professional, polite and effective - in all of my gigs, I do not make any difference between them. Who and how can evaluate this anyway? This is insane... 😱
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