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Posts posted by pinksamuraiii

  1. 11 hours ago, tacarri said:

    Someone logged into my account this morning and created a custom order that charged my entire balance. The hacker keeps logging into my Fiverr account after changing my password and adding 2fa. The hacker replies to my support request telling the agent that it was a misunderstanding and their brother was playing on the computer. Every ticket gets closed and I cannot find any real help! Please help and tell me what I should do next?

    I recommend deactivating and deleting your account if you cannot get proper help from the customer support team. Close the entire account. 

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  2. On 4/6/2024 at 3:48 PM, will998 said:

    As a once fairly active buyer, I still visit the forum but have stopped using fiverr for now.   Etsy .. something of a surprise .. now offers some of what I was buying before.  

    Same, I was a very active buyer here but have slowed down, aside from finances being tight, a lot of sellers have sent me AI assisted projects and it’s not genuine work. Some sellers aren’t qualified at all to be on here doing business either (and this is after you do your best to vet everyone). 

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  3. 16 hours ago, azzasalama604 said:

    Iam receiving no work since a long time 

    what can I do?

    Hi there, aside from currently not having any active gigs listed on your profile now, back when you were active on here your ratings are at a 3.7 stars, and this could be the reason your orders have slowed down a bit? Maybe try to revamp your profile and target the main problem addressed with some of your lower ratings to help improve your profile for the future. 

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  4. Hi, according to the ToS I believe you are too young at 14 to be selling here professionally on Fiverr, and would otherwise get your account closed because of your age. Also, it would be hard to convince most buyers you are truly a professional at 14. Best advice is to work along side an adult guardian as a team doing work. 


    Disclaimer: Fiverr's Terms of Service require that all users be at least 18 years of age and of legal age to form a binding contract. 

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  5. A lot of sellers I noticed are posting about slower business these days, I don’t think it’s just you going through it. Business has probably slowed down for now. Could be because of inflation, or over-saturation of sellers on the website, or a competitive market? Who knows…

    • Like 2
  6. On 9/22/2023 at 5:21 AM, robertcab said:

    I was scammed! 😩 I paid approximately $65 for original human research, and the seller sent an AI-generated document. The seller said they had a glitch in their writing software, and as the deadline approached, they resorted to a quick fix and used AI instead of asking for an extension. Unacceptable and unethical. The seller failed to deliver the originality and creativity I paid for. I strongly advise others to exercise caution when ordering gigs and ask upfront will the written product be original human research or an AI-generated document. 

    I’m sorry this happened to you. This also happened to me once, but with music order.  Honestly, I think using AI is cheating and unoriginal (seeing how the program takes from other people’s work). If I wanted to use AI for writing/artwork, then I would do it myself and not pay anyone for it since there’s tons of programs out there to use. I cannot stand sellers who take shortcuts when that was no disclosed. I think all sellers here should be required to mention on their profiles (who use AI should clarify it on their profiles so you know what you are getting). 

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  7. On 6/18/2024 at 9:25 AM, huynguynq said:

    My buyer require to refund after 2 weeks with the reason that he is not satisfied with the delivered. What should I do now

    Did the buyer approve and rate the order? Or, did the order close and automatically accept after 3-day grace period timed out?

    If the buyer rated your order and was satisfied with delivery at the time, then they do not qualify for any refunds.

    However, if they did not review or approve your final submission and it was auto-accepted by Fiverr system, then I recommend helping them with a complimentary revision to avoid getting CS involved. 

  8. Many users may not be feeling the effects more than others depending on what they sell here. Fiverr is not dying, but it is definitely changing. A few things lead to this:

    - Oversaturation of sellers on the platform selling very similar services (many also not qualified to do the job). I personally had someone try to sell me AI work at a high price (which I view as ‘cheating’ and ‘stealing’). 

    - Pro sellers are most reliable, however that $300-1000 price tag is not affordable to everybody during times of inflation (so less orders, or orders only from buyers who can afford these higher rates).

    - Scammers from both sellers/buyers sides (makes users view the site cautiously)

    - New review setup (encouraged to bring more honestly in the review system from buyers), many sellers are complaining about certain aspects of this new review system that may burden/hinder their status on the platform. 

    - Unprofessional users not handling business in a mature fashion. Profanity or immaturity. Causing both sellers and buyers to become frustrated. 

    - Competition from the outside world (Upwork, Freelancer, etc). 


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  9. This is so cute, and I love that you have such a great relationship with your client. The fact that you are socially close should be enough to express to them the same concerns you are expressing to us here. Don’t be afraid. If I was your client and you told me this I would understand and we leave it that, letting you post the last emoji. 🫡

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  10. So… you submitted an order that the buyer did not review nor accept as final (and the 3-day grace period passed), then it got auto-accepted without being reviewed or seen by the buyer, and now you want to keep the money? It’s an un-reviewed order. This means buyer did not review nor accept it as final and complete. Did you offer a revision when they came back? What were the actions you took to resolve client satisfaction when you realized what had happened? 

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  11. I see that you dealt with vocal audio and mixing. If I may ask, why didn’t you try to adjust the female voice to male (by deeping the pitch and the baritone). I would see if this would appease the client first (like trying all avenues to see if they’d be interested). Maybe he’d like it, or maybe not. But, considering your gigs range in the amount of $100 and over, I would do my best to try to meet him halfway if it were possible. That client is not going to let himself lose all that money, I would know this fact and try to work with him. And yes, I myself have been able to do vocal adjustments from female to male successfully. No extra time needed, just a few adjustments. Seems like it could have been talked over more with the client. I understand he didn’t originally tell you, but I’d try to make it work if it were within my abilities to. 

  12. I understand how painful it can be if you don’t get a review and you are new and waiting for it to be posted. But, do not ask clients for a review. Sometimes, they honestly forget to, and other times they purposely do not leave one if they think it would save you from getting a mere 4 by them. If they had an amazing experience and wanted you to know, then they would do so. If they forgot, Fiverr will remind them, and if they still don’t post anything then leave it be and know it was for the better. 

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  13. The only reason you’d be scared of a buyers private feedback after an order has been completed is if you knowingly had a bad delivery, performance, or negative communication with them. If somebody is outright threatening you during an order, you as seller have the right to contact support about it and have them cancel in your favor. However, it seems the order has been completed so buyer can now review. Remember, when an order is ‘active’ it is the best time to turn a frown upside down and try to work best with buyer for a good outcome. After an order is completed, your review is at the mercy of the buyer. 

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  14. On 7/18/2022 at 1:51 PM, donnovan86 said:

    This is a question I meant to ask for quite some time.. I have a lot of buyers that just mark the order as complete and they never leave a review. My question is, can these people still leave a private review even if they didn't review the order? Does someone that buys from Fiverr often have any experience with this? 

    Yes, I can leave a private review as a buyer that only Fiverr will know about, and never leave a public review. This is the confidential review that gets sent to all buyers after an order is completed. It’s to let Fiverr know how a buyer truely feels about an order of they are too scared to review anything in public to seller. 

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  15. On 1/26/2024 at 12:58 PM, shuvo_va said:

    Can a buyer see the total rating score( out of 5) before submitting for a seller?

    The final score of a review should be shown to the buyer before submission via a preview. Then he will know before submitting whether he can give what he is willing to give in review point 5.

    If the review system's lack of perfection causes ratings to drop unnecessarily, it will have a bad effect on sellers as well as Fiver. When a new buyer sees Top Rated sellers with less than 5 star rating on recent projects, buyers will be doubt about the quality of this Top Rated sellers as well as the Fiver platform.

    No, the buyer cannot see what they are giving you in a ‘number’ for ratings anymore. With the new rating system we just see emojis🙂 to rate our experience using you (the seller). I believe they did this so buyers can be more honest and upfront with gig page reviews that everyone can view (versus just on private reviewing). 

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  16. 14 hours ago, fajla19067 said:

    I am a label 1 seller till now I have completed 70 orders and 65 reviews from them, and I just got 2 (3-star ratings). but now the Fiverr rating and review system has changed as a result I got 4-star reviews continuously but the buyer reviews are fantastic. I feel very sad. what I will do now, please give me some suggestions

    If you got 3-4 star ratings recently from buyers it’s because of the new rating system that is forcing them to be more honest about their experience working with you. The buyers rated you low on something, which means the delivery wasn’t ‘exceptional’ despite writing good feedback. You should be able to see the amount of stars given to you per category so you can pinpoint which area least satisfactory. 

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  17. 2 hours ago, designandstudio said:

    What do you think about the ratings on the screenshot? It was my regular buyer and what he wanted to give me?


    This is a good review. I don’t know why you think it’s bad?

    Let me tell you what’s bad -> Having a seller tell you they can do a job and see they have two 5-star reviews and going with them based on that, only to realize that the reviews weren’t authentic and I end up wasting my money/time because the other buyers were afraid to rate them honestly in fear of retaliation (since sellers can also rate the buyers). That is what is bad with the system. This will cause buyers to give up on the platform. 

    *The only remedy to this is to force buyers to rate more honestly upfront, which is what the platform is now doing with the update. 

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  18. I feel for sellers with the changes and all, but I’m noticing a lot of 5 star reviews on sellers who are not qualified to do the job, these are pity reviews and it tricks other buyers into purchasing from a less-than-stellar seller. Buyer gets afraid and gives seller 5 stars even if they suck (then gives an honest rating privately) however another buyer comes in and publicly sees 5-stars and think seller is good when in all honesty they sucked. This has wasted so much valuable time and money, and a nightmare experience on the platform. 😞

    The only thing I agree with that’s odd might be value for money that should probably not apply since buyers can choose who to work with. 

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