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Everything posted by stefos

  1. You say you write, what sort of writing do you do? what language, what is it you are actually offering as a service? Do you write stories? do you write articles for websites if so what subjects would you cover. Do you write advertising texts? You have to add what sort of writing you are offering and then break them up into your tags. This is an example if you were writing childrens stories. children, fiction, English etc… factual stories etc. etc. I am not a writer so I am sure you can think of better tags! Hope this helps Stefos
  2. I am sure they are breaking some law, it needs to be looked into. I have never known anyone other than a bank or police ask for this very private and risky information. I mean what if this information gets into the wrong hands? you think Fiverr is any better than the rest at security?
  3. Why do you need to give your ID (passport) to a private entity if you have already given your mobile number. How do we know our passport information is safe? Why did Fiverr ask for mobile numbers if that was not gvood enough security. Why the hell have to give our passport info ?
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