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About web_arif

  • Birthday March 14


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  1. I have installed Ubuntu. So I now I have 2 OS, windows and Ubuntu. My Fiverr is in windows. If I log out and install new windows & login my Fiverr on Ubuntu, then will it be risky?
  2. Hello imagination7413.
    I have been warned by you because of a reply by be. I don't know what is the wrong O did. If you mention, then I can avoid that. I didn't share any external contact information.



    1. imagination7413
    2. imagination7413


      As mentioned in the warning, the correction needed is in your profile. Remove those, and I'll remove the warning.

    3. imagination7413


      Thank you for removing the banner. Please also remove the website.

  3. Unfortunately, it's not allowed. "Gigs may include pre-approved website URLs contained within the Gig description and requirements box. Gigs containing websites promoting content, which violates Fiverr’s Terms of Service and/or our Community Standards, will be removed." More details are here https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011421218-Gig-Policies
  4. This has been done due to some fake and unnecessary buyer requests from seller
  5. Yes, if you change the gig title and keywords, the gig may lose rank.
  6. Yes, you can change your gig description whenever you want. However, frequent changes are not good, the person who saw the previous description may be confused the next time visits. Your gig's description and service must be the same. Normally, it is important to change the description of the gig from time to time.
  7. As I knew it's legal, because it's 2 different person, different device. If you have different payment information (2 Payoneer or paypal) then it's legal.
  8. If I use a single ONU and a hub/stitch the 1 connection hub > router > computer another from hub > computer and both connection has different IP, then is it safe? NOTE: Internet providers says different IP possible. Sorry for my bad English
  9. Sometimes our own gigs don't show on our devices in the search. One of the reasons behind the gig ranking down is the private feedback received from buyers. If it is negative, the gig goes down very badly, unfortunately.
  10. This happened to me too but my ID had a notice to verify identity. If you have something like that, fix it. Is Payoneer Connected Bank OK?
  11. My new roommate and I are both WordPress developers on Fiverr. Can we use the same internet connection, name router? We all usually know a router has 4 ports to connect 4 computers.
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