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Posts posted by hikarishinjo

  1. If I also may add from everything that has been told already :

    Do not accept a project that needs to be done in a hurry if you cannot guarantee the quality to be as expected in your gig description. Working in a rush can impact the quality of your delivery. If you cannot commit to it, better refuse it rather than chasing revenues at all costs.

    Usually clients asking for “I need it urgently” are most likely difficult clients right off the bat.

    • Like 8
  2. $100,000 in income

    I do also have orders of 1k / 2k+

    he was making over $500,000 a year

    Such numbers and big individual orders are a pie in the sky dream for me.

    Well, at least I have fun most of the time with the orders I get. 😄

    Well this is definitely not the regular order amount of my activity on Fiverr.

    Usually it is because of very consequent projects or for entire roles (for the VO part) of animations or video game characters.

    Yes, the price is great but so too is the pressure to make things great for the client. I personally prefer handling 3 digits orders in the end.

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  3. check this out before depending on fiverr 100%

    Super quick backstory; I’ve been with Fiverr since 2011, selling for the last couple of years in the Forex category as a Level 2 seller, about to hit the earnings requirement for Top Rated. I’ve qualified for Promoted Gigs, Early Payout and Cash Advance and have only had a couple of cancelled orders in a few hundred sales. It’s very much a side hustle to break up the day, make a couple of sales a day and connect with some fantastic people. Imagine my surprise to discover that my two most pop…

    Never said once I would.

    And I’m in translation / voice over :woman_facepalming:t2: Your link is irrelevant as it talks about forex gigs.

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  4. Keep in mind he is doing full 3D animations, and one order is 1K to 2K level for 3-5 minutes video.

    Comparing his income to other “smaller” categories skills is not relevant.

    It is like pharmacist comparing his salary with brain surgeon.

    Most of these “100K earned” sellers are in the niche that bring 1K per order or more.

    So everyone should take a step back before jumping to conclusion this income on Fiverr is achievable in general.

    It is only achievable in categories where work has high priced values that can not be crashed by overflow of new sellers.

    3D animation is not something you can fake, as it is with design, proofreading, content writing, and similar. So you do not have many sellers (no point of scammers to even go there).

    My suggestion would be to never set goal for Fiverr to be main and only source of income.

    Goal should be stable freelancing and gathering income from multiple sources.

    I completely agree, I am more focusing on the price per hour ratio, and that is technically applicable for everyone in every industry.

    If you manage to get 100 clients with 5 dollars projects or 1 client with 500 dollar project, and if the total hour spent is similar : industry does not matter at all.

    I’m also planning a strategy to obviously not rely exclusively on Fiverr revenues. To make it the lowest % of my activity actually.

    If I asked this question, it is because it is relevant to my industry, my situation and my potential. And yes : I do also have orders of 1k / 2k+ 🙂

    Edit : Happy Birthday Marina !!!

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