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Everything posted by shaamim

  1. Third-party extension, Fiverr doesn't like it. and You are not a ROBOT, So why you want to active always here?
  2. Just one advice for you, research competitor gigs then edit gigs also try to better overall gigs all information.
  3. You are right but first of all, Oil your own machine! Now in your profile just posts 747+ and reputation 2.2k! but you got Veteran badge too much earlier. how funny! btw, Thanks.
  4. so share your user password in your trusted friend or family member or relative. When you died then they can using your account and withdraw your amount. And what you want ! when you die!
  5. That's a good point. thank to notice. But gig link sharing better than share tricks and tips and skills bla bla blaaaaa.
  6. Your last sentences are correct and have logic. But I said the article from that different perspective. If we have potential customer in our personal social media accounts then without link sharing we achieve our goals below quote like that way, Because we have better option, and It's professional way for every seller.
  7. Personal social media members not our potential customer. but main thing is gig link sharing not good at all, if you have potential customer in your social media account. and I mentioned 'too much gig link sharing' word. I also said too much gig link sharing social media not good at all. it's spamming, that's my main point.
  8. I observed, There are two types of people who always say, (1) Promote your gig on social media, promote your gig on social media, and says many times. Then (2) Conversely, other people are saying, social media gigs link sharing is not good at all. Because of your social media members, not your potential customers. If you have shared your gig link too much on Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook with hashtags. It's spamming. ☠️ So what do we do? How to get potential customers on social media? 🤔 Answer: It's true your social media account member, not your potential customer. And gigs sharing group, all big gigs marketing group, there are no buyers at all. Most of the members are sellers in this group and they share gigs regularly, but there are no clients or buyers, or potential customers. and remember one thing, fake impression and click don't give you order. So, You have to do, If you have Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and other social media accounts, share skills-related advice, experience tips and tricks in your timeline, and share your work portfolio, and also share your identity what you do. In that case, the customer must knock on your door and you should offer her your Fiverr account for working. That's it. 😊 Thanks, and please share your opinion. I love to learn more and more.
  9. That's amazing brother. Congratulations Hope you share tips for new seller. 😍
  10. A good career beginning part too hard. I facing that😇

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