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  1. You can have 1k impressions it doesn’t matter, Why? Well, clicks are more valuable than impressions. For example: A person walks by your store and looks at it, but doesn’t enter because maybe the prices could be high or that the store doesn’t look good, but if a person enters the store(clicks) then they would be willing to buy something and if they don’t either, the prices are high or the product isn’t that good looking/ doesn’t have much quality.
  2. Hi Ariaziee, your gigs are nice and well made. For your animation gig, add a video to it as a buyer would want to see a video of a animation you made :DDD
  3. Hi could you give me a link to you gigs
  4. Could you provide a screenshot of the message?
  5. Hm I think this could be a temporary thing, how long has it been on the last page?
  6. Hey Umar, maybe your gig got deranked because there are more people doing the similar things your doing or that there is a lot of competition. I dont know but this could be a reason since editing is popular. 🙂 I’m new to fiverr as well so that’s why I couldn’t exactly answer your question but hope this helps 😃
  7. Hm you should contact fiverr and tell them your problem 🙂
  8. By the way, did you get any TOS(terms of service) violation? Because this could demote your level
  9. You do have a nice description and video for your gig, can you tell me what keywords you searched that used to show your gig on the first page?
  10. Hm, i changed one of my gigs’ descriptions and saw that my gig went down to the 3rd or 4th page and when i changed my description to the relevant search it ranked on the first page. This is why i asked if you changed your description or tags. Can you provide me your gig so that i can look at it?
  11. Hey umar! Did you change your tags/description? since this could cause fiverr to place your gig in other searches and show less on the actual category.
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