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Posts posted by michaelscottmk6

  1. Hi everyone, yesterday I got this email about fiverr updates, and there is an important note about review system which all sellers and buyers needs to know: "Canceled orders can be given reviews" :) What do you think about this change?




    Reviews are an effective way to both gather feedback from existing customers and establish trust with potential customers. We are writing to let youknow that, in an effort to increase its accuracy, we are making some changes to our review system.
    Starting next week, buyers will be able to leave reviews for canceled orders in which a delivery was received and/or orders that involve lateness or unresponsiveness. 
    We understand that cancellations can be frustrating for sellers, but it is important to provide buyers the opportunity to share their experiences in order to build more transparency within our community. Of course, this option won’t be available for orders that were made by mistake.
    Following this change, we will decrease the rating score threshold for all levels from 4.7 to 4.2 in order to help sellers maintain their rating levels.
    We believe that this update will promote trust on our platform and yield long-term benefits for both buyers and sellers, especially those who provide quality user experiences.
    Click here to learn more about this upcoming change, and don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team with any questions or concerns. 
    Thank you for your continued support."


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  2. 1 hour ago, donnovan86 said:

    It might have to do with bad performance and not meeting the metrics. They do cover metrics for the past 60 to 90 days so.. It seems that it happened in February for you too, so try to see what might cause this aside from bad private reviews. My success manager told me I have some bad private reviews, and because of that I barely have orders from new people. Yet none of my gigs were affected when it comes to promoting them. So there's another underlying issue, don't blame it solely on your private reviews.

    For 60 days I dont have any canceled order bro, all 5 stars ratings, 1h reply, no late delivery. So why 😄

    • Like 4
  3. On 5/23/2023 at 9:57 AM, michaelscottmk6 said:

    1 => It's considered spam.

    2 => It's OUT of the Fiverr platform, meanwhile we are discussing about what happend IN the platform. 

    You gave us 2 actions which are totally useless bro. Please be polite or just leave it.


    About the private feedbacks, I have been badly experiencing these, like @worthforcheap. For the past 2 years, there are many times I suddenly got the notification "Gigs cannot be promoted". Everytime I got that, I know that maybe some clients gave me bad private reviews. And I couldnot see my gig ranking when I search some terms (meanwhile I was always in the first page at normal state). In that period, my sales revenue wend down so bad. I only got orders from my old clients.

    Then, a few weeks or a few months after, my gig ranks again, and months later, they disappear again, repeatedly... This is so disturbing that I wrote some topics 3 months ago.

    As it turned out, you guys also experienced same situation, private feedbacks harm us so bad, so so bad. 

    I dont say that private feedback is bad, but it is unfair. You got 100% comlete, 100% ontime, 100 response, 5 star ratings for more than 600 orders... But few bad private feedbacks pull you down from the ranks, is that fair? You used to bring thousands of usd/month for Fiverr, now it's only a couple of bucks, is that what you want Fiverr? 

    The impression is only as 1/10 as before, the revenue is same as my newbie time on Fiverr. I also think it's time to move my freelancer career to another platform. I really hope that Fiverr can listen to us.


    It's unbelievable, 8 hours after this post, my gig got the notification "not promoted anymore" lolz.

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  4. On 4/11/2023 at 5:45 PM, aj_designstudio said:

    I am pathetic listening to similar painful stories from you. Try to:

    + Contact previous clients to give you more work

    + Build your own brand, strengthening social media platforms, and business website

    ... and what other successful people are doing...

    1 => It's considered spam.

    2 => It's OUT of the Fiverr platform, meanwhile we are discussing about what happend IN the platform. 

    You gave us 2 actions which are totally useless bro. Please be polite or just leave it.


    About the private feedbacks, I have been badly experiencing these, like @worthforcheap. For the past 2 years, there are many times I suddenly got the notification "Gigs cannot be promoted". Everytime I got that, I know that maybe some clients gave me bad private reviews. And I couldnot see my gig ranking when I search some terms (meanwhile I was always in the first page at normal state). In that period, my sales revenue wend down so bad. I only got orders from my old clients.

    Then, a few weeks or a few months after, my gig ranks again, and months later, they disappear again, repeatedly... This is so disturbing that I wrote some topics 3 months ago.

    As it turned out, you guys also experienced same situation, private feedbacks harm us so bad, so so bad. 

    I dont say that private feedback is bad, but it is unfair. You got 100% comlete, 100% ontime, 100 response, 5 star ratings for more than 600 orders... But few bad private feedbacks pull you down from the ranks, is that fair? You used to bring thousands of usd/month for Fiverr, now it's only a couple of bucks, is that what you want Fiverr? 

    The impression is only as 1/10 as before, the revenue is same as my newbie time on Fiverr. I also think it's time to move my freelancer career to another platform. I really hope that Fiverr can listen to us.


    • Like 8
  5. 8 minutes ago, michmikaia said:


    Have you asked why your client was not satisfy after revision? In my opinion, it is a kind of scam

    If I were you, I would ask support to customer support with all proof of evidence if you are sure that you delivered a good work and fulfill their need for the revision. 

    Thank you for your reply. I asked, he just said it's not what he wanted bro, that the delivery is poor. With my experiences and rating on Fiverr, i dont know if my work is poor really? But I'm not a robot so I respect my client's comment.

    About your solution, thank you but I'm tired of Fiverr CS, cos I dont see them useful for helping, they're like the auto robot. 

    Besides, are you sure we're good if we contacted CS? CS always stand by the client's side, if the client is not satisfied, it means your work is not approved no matter how good you think your work is, then they still cancel your gig anyway bro 😄

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  6. Hi everyone. I have been working on Fiverr nearly 5 years. I have completed more than 600 orders and only 15 canceled orders, dont know it's a good percentage or not but I think it;s good right? 😄

    Here is the latest case I faced: I had a new client who placed a small order (15$ only) (including 1 revision). He was not satisfied with my delivery, I continued to support him till the 3rd revision, he said the 3rd delivery was ok, but then 5 mins later he said it's not ok again and wanted refund.

    Of course I dont want being canceled, so I offered more revisions but he didnot want more revision. He said I can choose being canceled or being negatively rated. Normally I will agree to cancel the order, but in the past, I got so some time my gig not promoted, it means if I cancel it, maybe my gig will be not promoted again and harm the ranking. But if not, I will be negatively rated and my 5 star rating may fall down to 4.9, dont know which will harm my gig worse. What do you think in this case?

    Thank you for reading this, have a nice day my friend.

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  7. Hi everyone, I have been experienced the ranking problem in recent months. This is the 4th time I got Unpromoted issue problem (It mean I cannot promote my gigs). The first time is 2 years ago, I got it for 4 months, the second one is the last year, I got it for 2 months. But the 3rd and 4th is just for last week, I got unpromoted for 24hrs before get back to promoted again. Then, last Sunday, I got the notification of unpromoted again, untill now. I really cannot understand what happend to this Fiverr system.

    For the first and second when I got unpromoted, I thought it happened due to order cancelation or something, cos that time I have orders cancelation. But for this 3rd and 4th time, I dont have any order cancelation, all 5 stars ratings, so it is really weird to have this problem. Also, I got promoted and then unpromoted and then promoted and then unpromoted again for only 10 days, is that a problem with the system do you think? 

    Thank you for reading this.


    • Like 7
  8. 13 hours ago, contactprop said:


    Hi guys I have completed the USD with a 100% on all completion rate, on time and more all 5 stars reviews almost 300 orders, all gigs are performing well and I sell high end products, I have also been on the platform dice 2016 became seller a year after ( so I am both a seller and buyer ) and I have a team of 48. And I am a Fiverr affiliate also.

    I am eligible for top rated but still didn’t get it until today, and I applied for Fiverr pro and didn’t get it.

    Fiverr is a great platform I just need to figure how I can go to the next level as I have a sales team that physically goes in the USA, France, and Dubai and get me clients, I would like to get all my clients to Fiverr so they can subscribe for my services as they are recurring monthly payments and it will be convenient for them not to have to pay monthly so Fiverr will withdraw automatically every month and give them a discount which works for me too. I only can do this ones I can withdraw within a week so I can manage my business easier and faster like pay my stuffs and other expenses.

    ill keep you guys updated here and on my channel as I am an influencer also with over 3000 followers.

    I see your starting post came from last year when you were no-evel seller but only 1 year after, you reach level 2 and nominated for top level, I thin you are doing great bro :). But, like others said, you dont have to be too serious about Top Level Seller cos it is selected manually by Fiverr Team, it means there are private criteria  that they will consider. Level 2 is great as well, if clients still comes to you :). I'm nearly reaching the Top Seller criteria too. I understand the point 😄 wish you luck bro.

    • Like 8
  9. Hi @greentyt, firstly I really sympathize with you about this akward situation. In the past I also get 2 continuous rating 4.7 from 2 clients, though they said my output was magnificient :D. But after times, i reallize that I am not a robot, I cannot produce same excellent quality output to everyone. So I should focus on one thing: Satisfy as most clients as I can, not every client. You have to accept the fact that some of your clients will not very nice as the others. So you just have to do the best of you, and improve yourself from their feedback, and treasure every feedbacks clients give, which already helped me alot.

    Beside, if your works are great, you will have so many 5 star ratings, and total average rating will be 5 star, which can help you stand out over some of your low ratings. But I see n your profile, it's only 4,8, so I guess you are doing good but not great enough, you should improve your quality to meet many kind of clients' demands.

    Therefore I totally agree with @vickieito. Wish you luck on fiverr journey.

    • Like 7
  10. I experienced this in August 2021, and it took me 4 months till December that it came back normally again 🙂 And everything worked perfectly for nearly 1 year till yesterday, again, yesterday this message popped up again and said "cannot be promoted...". You know, in the normal condition, my gigs always appear in the first page cos I checked the search ranking very often. But when "the gig cannot be promoted" comes, my gigs fell behind so many pages, and the impression dropped too.

    Actually I dont know why I get this alert, or why we get this? For me, there are only 1 canceled order in the last 3 months, the completion is nearly 99%, everything else is perfect (5 star ratings, 100% response, delivered, 1hour response speed...). 

    So I guess This happened maybe due to the private feedback from our clients, which we cannot see. 

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  11. I see many ones use “my friend” here 😃 And I think it’s ok 😃 Hello my friend, Thank you my friend… Once a very old client called me my friend, but I didn’t see any problem with that. Cultures are different among countries, you just don’t have the perfect pronoun for all the clients, then just use a safe one.

    Besides, using the name is a great idea if I can guess their name from the username like Michael, Harry, Lily. But what if their username are prince_of_brave or jedi_knight :rofl:

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