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About cifranx

  • Birthday 01/20/1904


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  1. I can’t withdraw in USD, even if my bank account is in USD
  2. Do you know if it’s possible to set the gig price in EUR? So I will earn the same amount not depending on the exchange fluctuations
  3. Thanks for your reply! So both using Fiverr or PayPal to change from US to EUR would cost us around 3.5%? 😪 Is there something to do to pay less fees?
  4. Nobody’s here? Does anyone know what is the conversion fee if I withdraw in EUR directly from fiver to PayPal? Is it lower than 3%?
  5. Nobody can help me? 😦
  6. Hi everyone, I’m using PayPal to withdraw but there’s a big problem. I withdraw in USD but then PayPal force me to transfer the money in EURO to my bank account, applying a 3% fee on the conversion. Is there some cheaper method to withdraw in Euro zones? Thanks to all of you 😁
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