Hi Jane! I’m sorry to know you’re going through this. 😔 Sadly, you will find people blithely telling you to set Gig multiples instead of packages, but the truth is that this is the worst option for a large number of categories or sellers - especially for writers, translators and proofreaders. For sellers like us who belong to the writing category, and corresponding subcategories, choosing to offer Gig multiples is asking for trouble, since our work time – and, hence, the delivery time - strictly depends on the amount of words we’re working with. So, unless you offer a very low word count (and I mean a really low word count), setting Gig multiples is never a good idea. If my advice could be of any help, I would suggest you to consider offering packages. Try to set them in such a way that buyers will be discouraged to order your 1-day delivery package for files with a high word count. I did use to have the 3-package set-up, but that basically came down to the exact same rate per word, just a bigger word count. Another regular user on the forums told me to abolish that, so hearing this is a bit confusing. Should I go back to the same tactic? I ended up messaging the guy twice, opening a dispute, and sending a message to CS. 24 hours ago, he accepted the dispute to give me more time, but he still hasn’t said a single word to me or delivered the needed files. CS hasn’t responded yet either, buy I hope they will sometime in the next 23 hours. If only we could turn off gig multiples, or turn off the ability to attach files… I have now added an extra Gig requirement asking if people have put the GDoc link in instead of another file, just to drive the point home in case they didn’t read the gig description, FAQ, or first requirement.