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  1. Hi, I am facing the same issue of not receiving verification codes on my registered phone number, is your issue resolved?
  2. It has now been 2 days since I first tried to re-add the payment method, but the verification codes are not being received on my registered phone number. I also tried to change the phone number, but I encountered the same problem. Each time I attempt to either re-add my payout method or change the phone number, the prompt to wait 24 hours appears immediately on the screen, preventing any progress. I have reached out to customer support and haven't heard back from them yet. What would be the best way to get out of this situation?
  3. We searched this question on forum too but didnt get any relevant answer. some days ago we added a new gig image and since then it has been on primary. But how are we supposed to get our gig * video* as primary and not the image now?
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