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Posts posted by elemproducer

  1. 1 minute ago, donnovan86 said:

    Those can be main reasons. But also if there was enough communication from both sides (a few messages) and a delivery was already sent. Anyway this is the old way they were going to do things, so we have to wait and see. I am pretty sure they will still allow buyers to leave reviews for canceled orders in some way so keep that in mind. Refunding just to avoid a bad review might bring a bad review if they go ahead with this. Still, the idea is.. bad reviews will push you back in search, especially if those are bad private reviews.

    Yes fair enough. I'll keep that in mind and do my best to provide a better experience in general to the buyer. I appreciate for your help my friend. 

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  2. 25 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

    The new measure they want to implement is that whenever someone cancels an order, they can leave a review.

    I understand what you are saying, and actually agree. Though Fiverr staff have stated "Reviews for canceled orders will only be enabled in cases of late deliveries (24 hours or more) or lack of response to buyer inquiries (for 24 hours or more)." Which I think is fair? Surely that means orders cancelled due to quality or if the buyer is simply just unhappy with the product they cannot leave a review?

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  3. 1 hour ago, donnovan86 said:

    Well the problem with that is Fiverr has announced they wioll soon implement a system where if you do cancel orders, buyers can leave a review even if the order is canceled. It was met with backlash, however they said they will implement it in a more seller-friendly way. So yeah, that won't work. The focus I think is to take less order, over deliver and ensure that people are happy, improve your customer support skills and communication.

    I was under the impression they could only review the order if they were entitled to the cancellation in the first place. I almost never have cancellations that are backed up by CS so cancelling from my side when the buyer is simply unhappy or has caused the issues/s themselves will mean they are unable to review, or am I wrong?

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  4. 18 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    After checking your profile, I think I can tell you why you have issues. 

    A 1 star review, 2 star review, 3 star review all within the span of 4 months..These are public, but you don't really know what people left as a private review, you might have more bad reviews. So yeah, bad private reviews lower the buyer satisfaction rate and the way Fiverr rates gigs. So if you had a bad review, your buyer satisfaction rate decreases and you have less exposure. That's why you have few impressions and clicks, Fiverr gives the spotlight to sellers that keep buyers happy, if you have a bad review you get pushged behind. 

    Try to do the best work you can with any current orders, go overboard with the customer service and also encourage your buyers to leave a review (don't influence them in any way as that's against the rules). 

    Have a feeling you are right... Decided I was going to stop giving out cancellations for issues that weren't caused on my end, which has of course led to some bad reviews. Seems I'm going to have to go back to cancelling orders when buyers are unhappy. 

    Thank you for your advice, hopefully Fiverr puts me back in the search results soon. I'll try to keep this thread updated. 

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  5. So I've been on Fiverr for about 3 years. I've only ever offered mixing and mastering and have been quite successful doing so racking up 1k+ reviews and over $50,000. However, for the last year or so my impressions have been extremely low, almost 0. Every now and then I do get a spike in impressions that lasts a few days, but it is then followed up by months of nothing.

    I've tried to adjust the gig, profile etc to no avail. I'm creating a new gig video and getting some pictures done to see if that helps, but I'm not sure what else to do.

    Fiverr is/was my main source of income. If it continues this way I don't know what I'll do. Fiverr support insist everything is normal and it's just the algorithm. But I have a pretty good rating and very low cancellation, no late deliveries and a fast response time.

    I also pay for seller plus, which I think I will cancel soon as I don't even use the coach feature. And I'm not able to promote my gigs.

    Any advice on what I can do would be appreciated.

    https://www.fiverr.com/s/Qak2Y2 - My Main Gig

    https://imgur.com/zvbqttZ - Impressions

    https://imgur.com/AfzdtEF - Promoted Gigs Unavailable


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  6. On 7/9/2021 at 10:57 PM, gunawanguan said:

    I am facing the same issue. Today is the 24th days since my gig become unqualified.

    My gig stats when I become unqualified is 4.9 rating, 0 cancellations, get 5 star and tip sometimes, 0 late delivery, 0 negative review. So I don't know why it become unqualified.

    I tweak some of my gig during this slow down period, still waiting for it to jump back on the first row.

    Hopefully it will get back after 1 month.

    Oh and after the gig become unqualified, I still look up for the order from old client and get almost 2-4 per days with still getting 5 star review and some tip sometimes. In total, for 24 days, I got almost 60 orders.

    So that is my current situation, I will update it if there is some more updates about my gig.

    I'm in the exact same situation. How's it going for you now @gunawanguan?

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