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Everything posted by proscarlett

  1. If you get any kind of news please let me know. Thank you
  2. @Logo Maker Team Thank you again. But I had a personal issue to discuss with you. I'm a regular active user of fiverr logo maker.You know my design was elected for Best Selling Logos of 2022.https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/291331-just-in-the-best-selling-logos-of-2022-%F0%9F%8F%86/My designs are very popular to our clients. I got logo sell notification more than 4 times daily. And many new clients come to me from logo maker.I saw the logo maker feature is not available in my profile. And my design sold for last time in Feb 23. I did not violate TOS.Could I know where the problem is?
  3. I'm in same problem as you mentioned. There is no available logomaker option in my profile. How can I fix this situation and get back this feature again?
  4. I'm not concerned about tag. Anytime can be our time. Fiverr algorithm takes our design into consideration anytime.
  5. I have a question. How can we post on our Behance, Pinterest Dribble and Instagram? When we select the "Share Logo" option we just get the link. How can we use the link on our Behance, Pinterest Dribble and Instagram? Because they are only support image. Can we upload our logo maker design directly on our Behance, Pinterest Dribble and Instagram? Thank you in advance.
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