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Everything posted by sadekmiah30

  1. check out app preferences option online status.
  2. first time verifyed my Payoneer account using my national id card, then passport and called me 3 time for verifyed. they asked me utility bill and bank statement I submitted for verify they not accepted it and disable my account. before 3 years I was contact payoneer support it was very good and helped me. now it's very bad. only automatic replied emails.
  3. really Payoneer is not good now. after 5 time verifying my account now it's disabled. Payoneer support is not good.
  4. 7 Gigs for Sellers without a Level status. 10 Gigs for Level 1 Sellers. 20 Gigs for Level 2 Sellers. 30 Gigs for Top Rated Sellers. read more about gigs: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010451397 fiverr terms of service: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service?source=footer
  5. contact with support with screenshot.
  6. buyer requests is removed by fiverr. just turn on briefs and wait for order.
  7. i asked my buyer are you happy? he said yes. but, he did bad hide review. this is an honest review!!
  8. maybe you received any hide bad reviews. try to share your gig social network and your service related site, forum etc.
  9. no problem you can use his mail. but this is English forum. try to post here only English post.
  10. share your gig social network, group, blog, forum.
  11. @ashiq_2023 why you to much confusion? 😁
  12. if you find any issues on your image etc you can change them. also maybe you have to wait 30 or 60 days.
  13. i have the same experience. for get back rank again share your gig on social networks your service-related groups, page, website, forums etc. best of luck.
  14. share your gig your service related facebook groups, website, forums ..
  15. i have the same experience. maybe you have to wait like 30-60 days.
  16. it's not easy. some time take 2 months or more. the first year in Fiverr I earned only $57
  17. share your gig your service related social network groups, websites and forums.
  18. i have same problem like 3+ months. support said to me share gig on social media... after share many times. day by day little improve but not same like before. keep share your gig your service related social network. i hope everything will be good.
  19. buyer request not available. turn on your Get briefs option and wait for briefs.
  20. share your gig service related social network.
  21. welcome to fiverr. you are new so be patient. share your gig your service related social net work, website, forum. best of luck
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