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About khyalikandpal

  • Birthday May 6

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  1. I can't understand anything. My success score is being affected.
  2. I was asking for some additional information besides.
  3. I have completed lots of order since last two months even my account success score is stuck at 4 since 2 months. Anybody can help me?
  4. I have completed lots of order since last two months even my account success score is stuck at 4 since 2 months. Anybody can help me?
  5. Hi, I am not getting brief, since last months Please help me
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  6. Thank you for updates----
  7. Hi, I have not received any briefs in the last month, even though my gig is ranked. Please inform me of any solutions or updates regarding this issue. Thank you.
  8. These updates are truly wonderful. I appreciate them
  9. Hi,

    Please help me!

    My gig is not ranking for the last 4 months even though I did all my efforts.

    Thank you

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