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  1. It's against fiverr ToSto ask for reviews from clients. You might get your account suspended all together. Deranking are temporary. I'm currently facing the same issue too.
  2. You might have received a negative private review. The updated video isn't a reason for such a drastic reduction in impressions. Don't give up. Work around your keywords again.
  3. Good question. I observed that fiverr tags one of your gig as best seller and that's where you get most of your orders while the others come out not too well.
  4. I recently returned to fiverr, I was a level 2 seller. I had two orders within a month but my statistics went really low afterwards. I'm wondering what caused it
  5. Buyer's brief are nice and make work easier. But it is to the disadvantage of anyone who is not well ranked. On my account, I haven't had any buyer's brief in months.
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