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  1. This is what I meant. I got 2 bask-to-back bad reviews, which dropped it to 4.8. I had no orders for about 5 days, then it dropped again to 4.7. I have figured out a solution though. I raised the price and delivery days of the gig that got the bad reviews - essentially putting the gig "on ice". Then I started using the "Promote Your Gig" feature for my other gigs. It worked on the first day - I spent $2 on promotion and got a $200 job, resulting in a 5-star review. This pushed my rating from 4.7 to 4.8 !!!
  2. Does this also apply to your overall rating (the gold number at the top of your dashboard page)? Most of the time it sits at "5", but I recently got 2 back-to-back bad reviews, and now it is at 4.7. Does this number only count at evaluation time? And the number seems to drop even if I have no orders - what gives? I don't want it to drop to 4.6 the day before the evaluation.
  3. One last item regarding "Customer Support". If you, as a Seller, are a member of the "Seller Plus" program - you are in fact a "customer", as you are paying Fiverr for a Service. Don't be afraid to act as both a "Customer" and a "Seller" in the same email. Just be sure to understand the roles.
  4. On a side note: Unless you understand the LEGAL terminology being used, your requests to Customer Support will go into the trash bin. If you complain to Customer Support about one of Fiverr's "BUYERS" - you will get nowhere !!! If you complain to Customer Support about one of YOUR "CUSTOMERS" - you might actually get somewhere - because there is, in fact, a legal difference !!! By its very name, "Customer Support" is there to support "Customers" - our customers. But we Sellers keep calling them "BUYERS" !!! Headslap -- DUHH !!!
  5. There literally is no "aka". That is merely your non-legal assumption. The correct legal assumption is as I said, the word "buyer" refers to FIVERR'S buyer. As a Fiverr Seller, the word "customer" refers to YOUR customer. Any other questions or complaints should be addressed to legal@fiverr.com
  6. Nope. Just a legal clarification of some confusion that I have recently seen.
  7. https://www.fiverr.com/content/payments-terms-and-conditions?gclid=Cj0KCQjw5f2lBhCkARIsAHeTvlgfVUnpmmP05PU8BzLz1trnpFJxrP19eDqgPPCP3102mr5aaAvXtroaAukTEALw_wcB
  8. All payment is made to Fiverr at the start of the order and held by Fiverr until the order is marked "complete". You do not have to worry that you will not get paid, as long as you provide EXACTLY what you promised in your gig description.
  9. I do not work for Fiverr - I was just trying to explain a very SIMPLE legal difference. If you have any legal complaints - then write to Fiverr's legal department: legal@fiver.com
  10. Then your issue is with legal@fiver.com - go bother them !!!
  11. The easiest way to explain the difference is to picture FIVERR as a Shopping Mall that you are entering for the very first time. You browse through the stores that interest you, and you decide to make a purchase in one store. At that point, you are BOTH a "First-time buyer" at the shopping mall, and "First-time customer" of that individual store. When you go back to the shopping mall again, you can no-longer say that you are a "First-time buyer" at the shopping mall. But you can go into a different store in the shopping mall, and make a first purchase in that different store. This means that you are a "First-time customer" of that individual store. It hurts my head having to explain such a simple concept.
  12. You are mistaken. Though a "First-time buyer" and "First-time customer" can be the same person - it can only happen ONCE. A Fiverr "First-time buyer" can only ever be a "First-time buyer" ONE TIME. But the same Fiverr buyer can be a "First-time customer" of multiple sellers !!! I do hope that this is not putting too much pressure on your brain.
  13. Sure. For those who are "Seller Plus" members, you have the option of limiting who can buy your gig via the "Request To Order" button. Perhaps you have seen it in use? In the "Advanced Settings" for this option, you will see two additional options: "Select which customers will need to request to order." "First-time customers" or "All customers" In short, the word "customers" refers to YOUR customers. The word "buyers" refers to Fiverr's buyers !!!
  14. Having studied law, when you encounter two phases that, to ordinary people, sound the same, there is always a difference. For example, I have seen some confusion over the term "First-time buyer". Sellers are assuming that it means a first-time buyer of your gig. This is false. Fiverr uses two distinct terms: "First-time buyer" and "First-time customer". A "First-time buyer" is someone who has never before made a purchase on Fiverr. A "First-time customer" is someone who has never before made a purchase with you !!! I hope this resolves any confusion.
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