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Everything posted by visualstudios

  1. I'm very happy with the change so far, the new sound is much better, the other was annoying. I don't need it blaring, I'm on the computer all day anyway, and get the notifications on my watch, so I actually have the phone on silent most of the time. Of course ideally we should be able to set up notification sounds for the app, I don't get why Fiverr doesn't implement that feature.
  2. As long as those assets are your creation, or you hold the rights to their usage, you retain those rights, regardless of where you upload them, so that wouldn't be an issue.
  3. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take – Wayne Gretzky" – Michael Scott
  4. Haven't heard anything from them yet, but my guess would be just overall condemnation without taking explicit sides. It's in China's interests (and tradition) to remain as neutral as possible if it something doesn't impact them directly.
  5. Even if it didn't, I don't see how Italy would react differently, even without EU.
  6. Oh, 100% in defense of Israel, for sure.
  7. What's your country? Most countries already have more or less known positions.
  8. What matters now is the west being unified and supportive of their allies. All else is distraction.
  9. Much better now than before. That would have been catastrophic. Inept leadership is better than treasonous one any day.
  10. And who are those buddies with? Exactly. The US shouldn't take the bait. Either way, the US doesn't need to be pulled into actual wars, (as in with people), they can just give material support. No need to print that much money either, just deliver assets. They have a ton of those, and they can produce them like nobody's business.
  11. Yep. Timing is very convenient. This is a proxy war, and someone behind it is interested in distracting the US from Ukraine. Although, the US can easily support a war with the entire world at once, it may not be popular, but their industrial military complex is unmatched.
  12. Servers are usually decentralized, they're probably using something like AWS anyway. They also have offices in NY, and many other cities. There can be some impact, of course, things like support, etc., but the website as a whole should be pretty much the same.
  13. This is an entire new level to that conflict. Very hard to know what will happen atm, but I think we'll be seeing some deep changes in the entire geopolitical situation going forward. The narrative seems to be changing as well, even left wing people that were traditionally more "oh, both sides", or pro palestine, are fully behind Israel and their right to defend themselves this time, including by counter attacking en force. Patience seems to have run out. That situation must be solved once and for all. The people in the field behind these terrorist attacks didn't think it through, it's not gonna end well for them. Of course, the real culprits are far away, this is a proxy war to distract from Ukraine anyway, at least to some extent.
  14. What does that question even mean? If you're making 3k a month every month, it's consistent. If you're not, then it's not consistent. Swap out 3k for any other value, and it's exactly the same.
  15. Yeah, he seems clueless. It's a pretty simple thing to google. But there is a buyerland out there, for most businesses. It speaks english, it has a business centric society, it's not risk averse, it has a high average salary, and a lot of venture capital. Not a lot of countries have all those advantages.
  16. There are trends. I suppose it will depend on what you do, but personally 90% of my business comes from one country - and I strongly suspect that is the case for most of the sellers on the platform (specially if you want to sell higher ticket stuff). That country does have one predominant religion, and predominant holidays. Makes sense for me to target them.
  17. No, Fiverr makes that perfectly clear. Unless they are copyright free, you can't. I don't understand the need to ask that question, when it's literally spelled out for you. You don't own, and don't have a license or permission to use other people's youtube videos, do you?
  18. And it doesn't make any sense as a seller to be spending time on a call for a $5 order anyway. A $5 order must be a simple "click here, get it done, next to no communication", otherwise it makes absolutely no sense from a time management perspective. It barely pays for any work, to have to pay for time spending communicating on top...
  19. Depends on seller level (Pro sellers can't sell under a certain price) and vertical (certain categories have minimum pricing for gigs). The absolute minimum you can find on the site is $5. For Pro gigs it's generally $100.
  20. We can't know for sure, that's the issue. It may just be coincidence, it may just be that using out of office harms your positioning. That's the real problem with a lot of the systems in place - people can't know exactly how they work, so all we can do is speculate. If everything was clear and transparent ("do x, y will happen"), we could make much more informed decisions. Btw, as for clients ordering without contact, just use request to order.
  21. There's a phone app for that. I don't need this feature, because no matter what I'm doing I'll have my phone with me.
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