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  1. My niche is presentation design i used to have a lot orders but right now, it's almost dead. Anyone who could guide what else I can try. Thanks in advance
  2. @muhammadfaheem0 I have same problem like you had bro. could you tell what to do should i contact customer support ?
  3. Hello, All my gigs are deranked now, i have tried updating tags, description etc but all in vain. Can anyone help me get them back by suggesting what i could do more? from the last 3 months i have almost zero sales.
  4. Hello, I have a pretty old profile and i was having great sales on my gigs. but from last 2-3 months my sales are dropped to zero and all my gigs are deranked. Anybody could help me to rerank them because i have tried updating tags but that won't help.
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