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Posts posted by davehaertel

  1. It's ridiculous.  Their whole cancellation policy is a flippin joke.  I can come to a MUTUAL agreement with a buyer and it still counts against me?!!! How is this even remotely an acceptable response when both the seller and the buyer are satisfied with the resolution?  And for someone who does Fiverr part time, the idea that they only use a 60 day revolving time period to determine your rating is soooo stupid.  I'm closing in on 200 orders with a 5 star record through out, but some yahoo, who wants to cheat the system can threaten to give me 1 stars if I don't cancel and because I only do a couple of orders a month, my cancellation rating is in the trash bin and I get a demoted seller rating.  This does NOT, in ANY way accurately depict my abilities as a seller.  It's aggravating as all get out.

    I've also changed how I operate, I do almost all of the work with no order in the system, I get to feel out the buyer and if I even sniff a con job, I don't finish it, block the user to prevent them ordering a gig specifically to leave a crap rating or cancel and I chalk it up to lost revenue but saved sanity.  It's depressing that I have to operate like this because Fiverr refuses to see how utterly ignorant and STUPID their cancellation policy is.

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