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Everything posted by cristinaghy

  1. I’m also in a graduate programme, but I started on Fiverr back when I was finishing my undergraduate studies. I felt it was a great way to practice my skills and make some money that would help me “survive” my summer and then later on buy the textbooks I need and the train card to get to university (I’m a commuter) I feel like you shouldn’t be under so much pressure about what other people think here. If you do your job well and are serious, people will think that about you no matter your age. The market seems to want young people with years of experience in their field, which is unrealistic. I think Fiverr is a great place for us students to practice the skills we are learning. Granted, it’s not for that much money but when the opportunity for a better job comes we can at least say "yes, I’ve been working with that for 20 different clients as a freelancer." Best of luck!
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