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Everything posted by petercover

  1. Firstly, please check my screenshots: From my case, let's make an example: Step 1: Hiring 10 sellers to do the same job Step 2: Choosing the best product among them Step 3: Asking to get a refund from 9 other sellers => With a small investment, a buyer can receive 10 different products instead of 1 product!!! ----- OLD FIVERR: A buyer cannot leave a bad review after receiving a refund. NEW FIVERR (After a "very crazy and terrible" innovation): A buyer can leave a bad review after receiving a refund. ----- Honestly, I spent nearly 12 hours to make this design for this client. He liked it, but his team didn't. If I cancel this order, I will receive: Loss of money (sure) A bad review (maybe) Ranking drop on Fiverr (sure) WHAT SHOULD I DO? WHO WILL PROTECT SELLERS?
  2. Honestly, the new leveling system is very bad and complicated. I wish Fiverr could go back to the way it was the first day.
  3. Hi, Firstly, I'm a Top-rated Seller on Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/petercover I made thousands of dollars per month and my all rating are always above 96% with only 5-start reviews. I have 1,672 amazing reviews (just only 1 negative review). Honestly, I don't show-off anything, I just want to prove that my account is NORMAL. ----------------- 2 weeks ago, there was a nightmare happening to my account: My ALL 14 gigs were jumping at the same time from the 1st page to the last page (page 20) from all ranked keywords. My ALL 14 gigs were not promotable (Unqualified) at the same time. My cash advance page was disable at the same time. The funny thing is 7 gigs, which I deleted several weeks ago, were suddenly alive and appeared in the promoted-gig page magically. They were happening AT THE SAME TIME! I tried to contact Fiverr support, but they said that these things happening because of...me. Yes, you don't misheard. These errors were happening because of ME. ----------------- Fiverr staff said gigs' ranks need to rotate. They said they are not able to guarantee that my gigs will remain in the same position. I understand! However, I don't know why ALL 14 gigs were jumping immediately to the last page??? (not 1, not 2, but ALL) ----------------- Furthermore, my all gigs were unqualified and were not promotable because Fiverr staff said I didn't meet "additional quality metrics", but they didn't tell me what "additional quality metrics" are. ----------------- The nightmare is not ending. My cash advance page was disable at the same time because Fiverr staff said I'm "ineligible". It's weird. I normally use this function in nearly 1 year, and I have just completed the payment to the loan a month ago. ----------------- Finally, the funny thing is 7 gigs, which I deleted several weeks ago, were suddenly alive and appeared in the promoted-gig page magically. Fiverr staff said that this error happening because of my side (!!!), and they tried to ask me to use different browsers, clear history, incognito mode, etc. But this error is not fixing. We all see that this error is about Fiverr system, but Fiverr staffs are trying to say that this is my mistake. They think I'm a hacker to control Fiverr and make the deleted gigs alive in the Fiverr database =))) I REALIZE THAT FIVERR DOESN'T ADMIT ANY ERRORS FROM ITS SIDE. I'm absolutely disappointed!
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